Elevate November 2024 | Air Serbia

With flight JU988, Air Serbia commenced its direct service between Belgrade and China’s Guangzhou

GUANGZHOU HAS BECOME THE SERBIAN NATIONAL AIRLINE’S NEW SCHEDULED FLIGHT DE- STINATION IN THE PEOPLE’S RE- PUBLIC OF CHINA , with flights between the Serbian capital and this “Gateway to Southern China” operating twice a week, on Mon- days and Fridays, using the Airbus A330-200 aircraft in Air Serbia's long-haul fleet. The ceremonial send-off for Air Serbia's inaugural flight to Gu- angzhou was attended by state re- presentatives of the Republic of Serbia, the Ambassador of the Pe- ople's Republic of China to Serbia, H.E. Li Ming, representatives of the aviation authorities and the airline industry, partners and collaborators of the Serbian national airline, as well as the media. "The recommencement of fli- ghts between Serbia and the Peo- ple's Republic of China is a signifi- cant step for our company and the entire Western Balkan region. Air Serbia represents a bridge for eco- nomic, cultural and tourist exchan- ges between Serbia and this Asian country. With the inclusion of Gu- angzhou in our network of destinati- ons, we are expanding our presen- ce in China, providing passengers with even more options. Guangz- hou is one of the most important hubs of industry and trade in the People's Republic of China, and we believe that direct flights to this city

will be particularly appealing to the business community – not only in our two countries, but across Euro- pe. Its proximity to Hong Kong and Macau makes this destination very attractive for tourism, especially for those wishing to experience the li- festyle, tradition and culture of the Greater Bay Area," said Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek. Guangzhou is a city whe- re the modern and the contempo- rary intertwine with a rich cultural and historical heritage. The old city districts and enchanting Cantonese gardens make it irresistible to visi- tors from all over the world. Among its numerous temples, the Temple of the Six Banyan Trees stands out as a symbol of peace and spiritua- lity, with a history dating back more than 1,500 years. This temple offers visitors the unique experience of a Buddhist place of worship. Guang- zhou is also renowned for its excep- tional culinary tradition, particular- ly its authentic Cantonese cuisine, which is characterised by diverse and exotic dishes. Air Serbia operates flights to Guangzhou Baiyun International Ai- rport, which is located 28 kilome- tres from the city centre and repre- sents a key international air hub of China’s national “Belt and Road” ini- tiative and the “Air Silk Road”. It al- so serves as the main airport in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area.

Er Srbija leti do aerodroma „Guangdžou Bajun“, koji je od centra grada udaljen 28 kilometara Air Serbia operates flights to Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, which is just 28 kilometres from the city centre

krajeva sveta. Među brojnim hra- movima posebno se ističe Hram šest banjanovih stabala, sim- bol mira i duhovnosti star više od 1.500 godina. Taj hram posetioci- ma nudi jedinstveno iskustvo bu- dističkog svetilišta. Guangdžou je poznat i po izuzetnoj kulinar- skoj tradiciji, posebno autentičnoj kantonskoj kuhinji koju karakteri- šu raznovrsna i egzotična jela. Er Srbija leti do aerodroma „Guangdžou Bajun“, koji je od centra grada udaljen 28 kilome- tara. To je ključno međunarodno vazdušno čvorište kineske nacio- nalne inicijative „Jedan pojas, je- dan put“ i „Vazdušnog puta svile“ i ujedno glavni aerodrom u oblasti Velikog zaliva Guangdong–Hong Kong–Makao.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 65

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