1979 : rock band Riblja Čorba holds its first ever concert at Youth Centre. 1981: massive media attention was concentrated on the music scene of Belgrade, and Yugoslavia as a whole, due to two rock spectacles: “Greet- ings from Zagreb” and “Greetings from Belgrade”, which saw the most significant bands from Belgrade and Zagreb perform as guests of these two cities. 1987 : the new rock stage was un- veiled and hosted several days of con- certs performed by EKV and less es- tablished avant-garde groups. 1989 : The country’s Third (youth) TV channel launched operations from an improvised studio on the 1st floor of the Youth Centre. The most atten- tion is attracted by the show Strictly Confidential, which marked the first ever television appearance of Milovan Đilas, as a guest of Milorad Vučelić (who debuted at Youth Centre as a TV present). Guests included, among oth- ers, Igor Mandić and Momo Kapor. 1992 : the most significant moment in the Youth Centre the- atre programme came with the es- tablishment of the private theatre PPP - Enterprise for Theatre Works during this year. Its founders were actors Rade Šerbedžija and Ljuba Ta- dić. Apart from providing the ven- ue, Youth Centre also participated in the theatre’s work with other re- sources.
a few...
formed part of the spectacular Amer- ican Jazz Week in Eastern Europe, but Belgrade was the only city to wel- come Miles himself. While the event culminated in the famous trumpeter performing music for which no one
1966 : the Relay of the Youth usually took place over the course of the whole night of 24 th May at the Youth Centre. These programmes brought together a large number of young people and President Tito him- self attended on several occasions. 1969 : the Youth Centre was among the first establishments in Bel- grade, if not the very first, to open a disco club. Interest was so high that tickets usually sold out during ad- vanced sales. 1969 : Dobrica Ćosić spoke at the forum ‘With Orpheus at 8’, discuss- ing with his interlocutors the top- ic of “Man in history”. This was his first public appearance following his speech at the Plenum of spring 1968. 1969: the free Psychological Counselling Centre for young peo- ple that still operates to this day was founded. 1970: Marina Abramović’s first solo exhibition in Belgrade was held at the Youth Centre Gallery and pre- sented her paintings (14 works in oil, pencil crayon, pencil crayon and
in attendance was prepared, every- one was nonetheless aware that they were witnessing historic change. Bel- grade became a metropolis of world jazz, while the festival set itself a dif- ficult standard to emulate from the very outset. 1971: On 11 th February, at the invitation of the Youth Centre, writ- er Meša Selimović spoke on the topic “The Novel and History”. At the re- quest of those listening, Selimović extended his guest appearance at the Youth Centre to the following day. Reporting on the event, daily Politika wrote: “I’m surprised, I can’t believe how much interest there is. And I’m enjoying it. Your Belgrade audience is wonderful,” we heard from Meša Selimović. One of the first questions, given that the evening unfolded in direct conversation, was how Meša Selimović views the case of Solzhen- itsyn. 1971 : the Youth Centre Gallery hosted its first ever exhibition of the sketches of students of the Academy of Fine Arts, which has become a tra- ditional event that’s still held annually. 1977: the Jazz Club opens and goes on to become the main Belgrade haunt for jazz musicians and jazz lov- ers, hosting performances of all prom- inent Yugoslav jazz musicians.
chalk, oil and India ink).
1971. the first Newport Jazz Fes- tival in Belgrade was held from 31 st October to 3 rd November. This inau- gural edition of the famous festival was opened by Duke Ellington and his Orchestra. Four days of jazz cast a bright light over the entire history of the genre, all the way back to the lewd jazz-funk fusion of Miles Da- vis. The first edition of the festival
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