Running a business is hard enough without having to deal with technological problems. If your computer network is compromised, the results can be catastrophic. You might think that hackers and cybercriminals would never target a business as small as yours, but it happens all the time. You probably already know to be wary of dubious email attachments, but here are a few more tips to ensure you don’t end up the victim of an attack that sends your computers into a spiral. Update All the Time Updates to your operating system and security software might seem like a constant chore, but it’s the easiest defense against an attack. Antivirus software should be set to scan for malware after each update, and you should update your software whenever you’re prompted to do so. Even better, set your software to update automatically. Security patches are designed to counter the latest threats, so you shouldn’t wait to install them.
Use Backups Correctly If you do end up with compromised data, a backup is your best friend. Too many businesses don’t check that their backups actually work until WKH\QHHGWRUHO\RQWKHP(QVXUH\RXUEDFNHGêXSoOHVDUHLQJRRGRUGHU and keep one set of backups off-site. That way, if your entire network is under siege, you know you’ll make it out with minimal damage. Protect Your Wi-Fi ,I\RXZDQWWRSURYLGH:Lê)LWRFOLHQWVYLVLWLQJ\RXURIoFH\RXVKRXOG create a separate network for them. Both that network and your internal network should be protected by different passwords. When you let outside devices onto your network, you are at risk of being attacked through those devices.
Even if you are generally familiar with the federal laws prohibiting discrimination, you may be surprised by what conduct can be considered discriminatory. Essentially, any adverse employment decision that results from discrimination is prohibited, including job advertisements, hiring, discharge, compensation, terms, conditions, privileges of employment, promotions, tests or other selection criteria, HPSOR\HHEHQHoWVVRPHGUHVVFRGHVWUDLQLQJDQGZRUNDVVLJQPHQWV If you believe you have been improperly discriminated against, you JHQHUDOO\KDYHGD\VVL[PRQWKVWRoOHDFKDUJHZLWKWKH((2& 7KLVFKDUJHLVUHTXLUHGEHIRUHoOLQJDODZVXLWDJDLQVW\RXUHPSOR\HU Alternatively, if you are a business owner or employer, you have 30 days to respond to an employee’s charge, upon receiving notice from the EEOC. In either scenario, navigating the EEOC charge process and any subsequent litigation can be confusing and challenging. It’s vital you FRQVXOWDODZoUPOLNH7KH*LEVRQ/DZ*URXSDVVRRQDVSRVVLEOHIRU help evaluating your position and options.
In the diverse, contemporary business climate, every worker should be well-versed in workplace discrimination regulations. Treating every member of your team with a level of dignity and respect goes a long ZD\EXWHYHQZHOOêPHDQLQJERVVHVDQGFRêZRUNHUVFDQoQGWKHPVHOYHV in hot water when it comes to discrimination. In the United States, all claims of prohibited discrimination are enforced by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). 7KLVIHGHUDODJHQF\FRQWLQXHVWRH[SDQGDQGUHGHoQHWKHOHJDO understanding of discrimination, but generally, the EEOC investigates claims that involve the following: • Unfair treatment based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, or genetic information • Harassment by managers, co-workers, or others in the workplace based on the above factors • Denial of a request for a reasonable workplace accommodation because of an employee’s religious belief or disability • Retaliation resulting from a complaint about job discrimination or from employee assistance with a job discrimination investigation or lawsuit
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