MADD History : Cari Lightner
13-year-old softball all-star Cari Lightner was killed May 3, 1980 in Fair Oaks, California. She and a friend were walking to a church carnival and at the same time, a three-time repeat offender, out of jail just two days from a 4th DUI arrest, was barreling down the road. He hit Cari from behind, throwing her out of her shoes 125 feet, then fled the scene but was later arrested and charged with her death. In that moment, Cari became the first face of drunk driving victims. She also represents the many pedestrian victims killed or injured due to drunk driving. Cari's mother, Candace Lightner, carried her daughter's photo with her as she worked tirelessly to change drunk driving laws in California to try and make sense of a senseless act and turn her pain into purpose. To this day, MADD holds photos of victims and survivors to put a face on the problem and share stories behind the statistics.
Cari's mom Candace, fighting for change
This photo of Cari was taken just hours before she was killed.
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