The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.10


Why Save the Lord’s Day?

and the air cleared for meeting them. When we fully recog­ nize the Lord’s lordship of this Day of days, we will never go far astray. Every question as to the proper observance of it will be dealt with in its Divine relations to our Divine Master. I t is more than half the answer to any question to be in time with the principles involved in the solution of the question. “I was in the spirit on the Lord’s Day,” said the Apostle. To keep that pregnant phrase in mind will settle the details of every program of conduct on that day. God help us all to resist the drift of Sabbath seculariza­ tion. Doubtless it will cost us something to be loyal to prin­ ciple in this day of many jelly fish Christians, who have opin­ ions without convictions, and prejudices without principles. A refreshing shadow of a great rock in a weary land is the man of convictions and principles who can resist the drifting sands of a loose interpretation of the Divine commands. The demand today is for rock Christians. We are living in a time when the people who settle questions of right and wrong for themselves seem to be in a minority. In matters of morals and dress most of us go in droves. A few people act as brain for the many, a few people act as conscience for the many. But we who have the light of God’s Word need not be mas­ tered by the mob. One is our Master, even Christ. A great many people are doing certain things on the Lord’s Day, not because they have settled the question, as between themselves and their Lord, but because they have settled it as between themselves and their own preferences, or as between them­ selves and their associates. Let us be rock Christians, who will keep the Lord’s Day holy because it holds us in touch with eternal and Divine things, and because it celebrates our relation to our Divine Master; and because the Lord’s Day is the guerdon of our national prosperity, the hope of our civilization ; and because the mouth of Jehovah hath spoken: “Them that honor Me I will honor.” ,

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