The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.10


The Fundamentals lowship with Him; sometimes praising Him for victory won,, and more often confessing sin as a result of deplorable de­ feat. Thus it was that I saw that what I needed was a new consecration. When I reached this point, I took up my Bible to study the subject of consecration. But not knowing where to turn, I sought the aid of the concordance, with the intention of work­ ing out a Bible reading on the subject. Here, however, I met with difficulty. There were few passages which referred to consecration. But I thought to myself that this did not mat­ ter, as consecration and sanctification are the same thing, and what I could not obtain under one word I should obtain under the other. But when I looked at the word sanctification, I was in the opposite difficulty, for there were so many passages that I knew not what to do with them. It was in this way that I turned to a passage which I had noticed, which spoke both of consecration and sanctification, namely, Exodus 28:40-43, and it was thus that I shut myself up to it and prayerfully meditated upon it. And I wish to say, that God taught me something from this portion of Scripture, that Sabbath after­ noon, which has never been unlearned, and which has revolu­ tionized my life. Not that since then I have never known spiritual inequality, and have ever walked blamelessly before God. Alas! my life has often been marred by failure and sin. Nevertheless, I say it to the praise of Christ, that things have been different from what they were, and that I have possessed a blessed secret of living which I had never pos­ sessed before. And it is because I have a longing to pass on to you the secret which God gave to me that I am writing thus personally, and that now, I shall beg to lead you in the study of the passage of Scripture referred to. The first thing that I noticed in my study is, that conse­ cration and sanctification are not one and the same thing. We are dealing, as I believe, with a verbally inspired Scrip­ ture, and I observe that the Spirit says, “consecrate and sane-

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