King's Business - 1948-10

■ ■ O C TO B E R . 1948




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The harvest. . . is plenteous . . . the labourers few . . . pray ye therefore77- Matthew 9 :3 7 , are 38

W e Cou ld On ly S tamm e r — / W h a t a F a it h f u l G o d ! > Many thousands of Jewish Christians ' in Europe still continue to suffer ex- ■ treme privations and heartbreaking sor­ rows, even today. Here is a letter writ­ ten out of the fullness of her heart by a Hebrew Christian mother in Germany: “A few days ago I hud the-privilege of receiving a wonderful parcel from you, for which I thank you and all other children of God from the depths of my heart. Our joy was too great for words. We could 1 only stammer,^ *What a faithful God!* “ The privations and horrors, heartaches and tears, through which we have gone have left indelible marks upon us. My sec­ ond daughter who is a kindergarten teach­ er, has fallen a victim to tuberculosis, and for months will be unable to work again. She is a quiet, sircere, believing girl, and I do trust the Lord will restore her. “Our own loved ones were murdered in the gas chambers of Auschwitz concentra­ tion camp. If the Nazi had only had a little more time, my three daughters would have been done away with also. Oh, that the Lord may show His mercy upon Israel and redeem her.** Will you join us in this Christlike service and for His sake help us feed the hungry, supply the needs of the ravaged and downtrodden and lift up the hearts of men, women, and children in desperation. $10.00 will provide a very substantial life-saving food parcel. $50.00 will help support a missionary for one month. Please write to: T h e Friends o f Israel M ission ­ ary and Relief Society, Inc. 728-K Witherspoon Building Philadelphia 7, Pa. President Joseph M. Steele Treasurer . General Secretary Dr. Joseph T. Britan Rev. Victor Buksbazen Treasurer for Canada: Rev. Bruce Millar, B.A., B.D. Principal, Alma College St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada Otir quarterly magazine, ISRAEL MY GLORY, a specially fine missionary magazine, sent to all contributors and also on request. ECCLESIASTICAL OCTOPUS Incomparably, the best treatise yet produced on the Federal Coun­ cil of the C h u r c h of Christ in America. A carefully worded, splendidly documented book that should be in the library of every religious leader in America. C loth bound— $ 2 .0 0 Paper— $ 1 .2 5 , postpaid Dealers Protected O RD ER N O W FELLOWSHIP PRESS 9 P a r k S t r e e t R o s t o n 8 , M a s s .

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Do not fail to watch for our Thanksgiving number which will contain interesting articles by leading Bible teachers and the personal testimony of a blind Bible student.

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Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Louis T: Talbot, D.D.

Betty Bruechert Managing Editor

William W. Orr, D.D. Associate Editor

Editor in Chief

Copyright, 1918, The King’s Business No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission. All Rights Reserved. Voi. 39 October 1948 No. 10

GIVE ME THE BOOK! By John W esley


I AM a creature of a day, passing through life, as an arrow through the air. I am a spirit come from God, and returning to God: just hovering over the great gulf till a few moments hence, I am no more seen! I drop into an unchangeable eternity! I want to know one thing, the way to heaven: how to land safe on that happy shore. God Himself has condescended to teach the 'way; for this very end Jesus came from heaven. He hath written it down in a book! Oh give me that book! At any price, give me the book of God! I have it: Here is knowledge enough for me, Let me be homo unius libri* Here then I am, far from the busy ways of men. I sit down alone; only God is here. In His presence I open, I read this book, for this end, to find the way to heaven. Is there a doubt concerning the mean­ ing of what I read? Does anything ap­ pear dark or intricate? I lift up my heart to the Father of lights. Lord, is it not Thy Word: “ If any . . . lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giv- eth . , . liberally and upbraideth not,” “ If any will to do his will, he shall know” ? I am willing to do: let me know Thy will. I then search after, and con­ sider parallel passages of Scripture, “ comparing spiritual things with spirit­ ual.” I meditate thereon, with all the attention and earnestness of which my mind is capable. If any doubt still re­ mains, I consult those who are exper­ ienced in the things of God, and then, the writings whereby, being dead, they yet speak. And what I thus learn, that I teach. *A man of one book. THE FREE FUND IN PRISONS A prisoner writes, “ I enjoy your mag­ azine very much and do not want to miss a single issue of it.” Our Free Fund is used to provide subscriptions for pris­ oners as well as for missionaries and Christian workers. Why not put some of your tithe into this worthy cause? O C T O B E R , I 9 4 8

Editorially Speaking .................................... .............................................. 4 The Bible in the News, William W. O rr .............................................. 5 Why Christianity Is True, William Ward A y e r .................................. 6 Bible Rhymes, Vernon Howard ................................... ........................... 8 God — and a Steering Wheel, Gerry Hamlett ...................................... 9 Anglo-Israelism— True or False? Louis T. Talbot ........................... 11 Biola Family Circle ........................................................................... .. •■• 12 Dr. Talbot’s Questioii Box ....................................................................... 13 Junior King’s Business, Martha S. Hooker ........................................ 14 The Five Holy Things, Opal Leonore Gibbs ........................................ 14 Recreation for the Christian ................................................................... 15 Study? Phooey! Bess McClennan Antisdale ...................................... 1? Poem, In the N ight.................................................................................... 18 Does Tract Distribution Pay? Frederick A. Tatford ..................... 19 Seed Sowing, George Muller ...................................................................... 20 Young People’s Topics, Walter L. Wilson .............................................. 21 Sunday School Lessons, Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood ........... 24 Picture Credits: Cover, Eva Luoma, Holliday’s Cove, W. Va.; p. 6, George King, Los Angeles, Calif.; p. 7, Publishers’ Photo Service, New York; p. 8, Philip Gendreau, New York; p. 20, Palmer, o f Monk- meyer Press Service, New York. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION— “The King’s Business” is published monthly: $2.00, one year; $1.00, six months; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptiins 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES—Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post offiice ^ money order payable to “The King’s Business.” Date of expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING— For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, California. MANUSCRIPTS— “The King’s Business” cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate _of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, California. Page Three

not a few Christians doubt the immi­ nence of the Lord’s return, believing that this event must await on world evangelism. The truth, however, is that this verse refers definitely to the period which in Scripture is called the Great Tribulation and which follows the Rap­ ture of the Church. If one reads care­ fully the first three verses of Matthew 24, a flood of light is thrown upon the passage in question. A humorous illustration of, the mis­ interpretation of Scripture because of the heretofore-mentioned practice is commonly told : In a certain colored church the women had taken to wearing their hair in a tight knot on the top of their heads. This displeased the pastor who preached a sermon on “ Topnot, Come Down,” taking his text from the 17th verse of this same chapter in Mat­ thew which warns the Jew in the time of the great persecution to “ Let him which is on the housetop not come down and take anything out of his house.” Isaac Watts, Hymn Writer I T has been suggested by the Hymn Society of America that 1948 be called a Watts’ year. Surely there is need for recognition and appreciation of this man of God who is the author of so many of today’s best-loved hymns. Isaac Watts was born in 1674 in England, be­ coming in 1699 the assistant pastor to the Independent Church located at Mark Lane, London. Always frail in health, he went to be with the Lord in 1748 at the age of 75. There is no question but that Isaac Watts was a man of great intellectual power, for when we consider the hymns which he has written we cer­ tainly grant him the place next to Charles Wesley as the greatest hymn writer in the English language. A few of his most widely-known writings are: “ Awake, Our Souls” ; “ Before Jehovah’s Awful Throne” ; “We’re Marching to Zion” ; “ Jesus Shall Reign” ; “ Lord of the Worlds Above” ; “My God, the Spring of All My Joys” ; “ 0 Bless the Lord, My Soul!” ; “ O God, Our Help” ; “ Praise Ye the Lord” ; “ There is a Land of Pure Delight” ; “ Give to Our God Immortal Praise” ; “ When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” ; “ Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove” ; “ Joy to the World!” In all that Watts wrote he showed himself to be an orthodox evangelical, and his hymns are an expression of the faith which will endure as long as there are Christians in the world. It Is Not Too Early Now is the time to plan Christmas gift subscriptions to the King’s Busi­ ness for friends and relatives. This is the kind of present that lasts the year around, giving joy and inspiration for twelve full months. What easier kind of Christmas shopping is there? T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

this fact to the careful Bible student. Hebrew, which has been for twenty centuries a dead language, has been revived and made the official language of Israel. Newcomers to Palestine may speak the language of their former home for the first two years, but after that they are expected to know and use Hebrew. It is interesting to note that a strik­ ing change in the physical make-up of the citizenry of this restored nation is taking place. The race seemingly is run­ ning to the large-boned, blue-eyed, blond, athletic type of Jew. Disappearing, ap­ parently, are the short stocky Jews typi­ cal of the Middle Ages. Yet there is still unbelief! Younger Jews show little or no concern for re­ ligion. Sabbath observance is at a low ebb and traditional customs are ignored. Let all of this, however, be carefully compared with what the Word of God prophesies: The nation is to be born, the people are to return to their land in un­ belief, great prosperity will come and, climaxing these conditions, will be the personal appearance of the greatest Jew of all time, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Importance of the Context B ECAUSE of an extensive radio min­ istry along the Pacific Coast, our editors are constantly in receipt of many Bible questions. After some years of reading and answering these inquiries, one finds that they fall into certain definite classifications. One of the most frequent causes of misunderstanding the Word of God is the failure to endeavor to interpret the text by its' context. Each verse has a strong relationship to the verses which precede it and to those which follow. There are very few prob­ lems of interpretation which will .not yield to the understanding if the reader prayerfully studies the context. Far too often a verse or phrase is ruthlessly torn from its place in Scripture and made to mean something which is not in harmony with the truth revealed in the related portion. For instance, in Matthew 24:14 -it is stated that the end will come when the g o sp e l of the k ingdom has been preached in all nations. Consequently,

Pilgrim Edition T O our desk has come one of the the first copies of this new edition of the Holy Bible from the Oxford Uni­ versity Press. Preliminary examination of the work reveals an editorial staff of men and women who are known for their stand in defense of the faith. Each one of the nearly two-score consulting edi­ tors is a dependable conservative, and the result of these ten years of prayer and study is a volume which no doubt will have wide distribution and exten­ sive influence among the Christian peo­ ple, especially the youth of our land. The main plan of the Pilgrim Edition comprises a series of simple explanatory notes easily understood by the most un­ tutored readers. A system of chain ref­ erences on great themes is another com­ mendatory feature. The paper is of good quality, the print is large and readable, and the introductory material is both clear and without equivocation. We would like to commend this new publi­ cation to the thoughtful consideration of Bible-loving Christians everywhere. Israel Wins T HERE seems to be no question but that the Jews are victors over the Arabs in Palestine. Regarding the recent triumph, Time, magazine, with character­ istic ability to delete unimportant de­ tails from its news items, reports: “ Out of the concentration camps, ghet­ tos, banks, courtrooms, theatres and fac­ tories of Europe the chosen people had assembled and had won their first great military victory since Judas Maccabeus beat the Syrian Nicanor at Adasa 2,109 years ago. “ Their success has been hidden from the world by U.N. maneuvering, and by a confusing war of a hundred skirmishes with no real battles. Although, in years to come, fighting might break out again and again, its probable pattern was fixed: the Jews were too tough, too smart and too vigorous for the divided and debili­ tated Arab world to conquer.” It would sefem 'that this is God’s time for the re-establishment of the nation of His ancient chosen people. Other ob­ servances add thrilling confirmation to Page Four

One-third Trillion During the year ending June 30, 1948, America set a new record in the amount o f :cigarettes smoked, with the number represented at 345,000,000,000. This is the equivalent of 121 packs for each man, woman, and child in the land, but of course there are many who do not smoke;so the average smoker’s consump­ tion is higher than this, how .high no one knows. Smoking has long since emerged from the category of a na­ tional pastime to that of a national nuis­ ance. What God thinks of this tremen­ dous amount of wealth going up in smoke is not too difficult to imagine. There will come a day when many Christians will have to give an account to the Lord of their use of tobacco. Take Your Time! In regard to marriage, the advice of Judge Samuel H. Sibert of Cleveland, who has probably heard more divorce cases than any other judge in the coun­ try, is that the parties involved should take time and wait a year before enter­ ing into the contract, during which time they will have opportunity to change their minds If need be. The Word of God emphasizes repeatedly the serious and permanent side of marriage and, as is always the case with God’s laws, there is a sound principle involved. Young people, especially Christian young people, need careful and sympathetic counsel along this line. Touch of Larceny “ Many ordinary citizens are so dis­ honest they make professional criminals look like amateurs.” So says Prof. Joseph Lohman, faculty member of the Uni­ versity of Chicago. Deep down in his heart everybody has a touch of larceny in him, Lohman says, and it shows up among even the most “ respectable” peo­ ple. This is one of the painful facts of our present day. What Prof. Lohman reports as news does not surprise any one who is ac­ quainted with his Bible, for the Scrip­ tures declare, “ The heart of man is deceitful above all things, and desper­ ately wicked.” L’ttle Prayer—Little Bible & Average co lleg e student of 1948 neither prays nor reads his Bible very much according to a. report from two psychology instructors at the University of Denver. Daniel G. Brown and War­ ner L. Lowe believe that two-thirds of both Catholic and Protestant students never read the Bible. One-third of the same students never pray and never at­ tend church or feel the nearness of God. College education, furthermore, appar­ ently reduces religious desire. As a commentary on this sad fact one should read 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 and be challenged by the desperate necessity of getting young people saved before they reach college age. Biagest Problem & “ The treatment of alcoholics is the biggest single problem of law enforce­ rs C T O B E R , 1948

self who many times pointed out the extreme danger of underestimating this archenemy. Strength Through Division For a long time the cry of liberal minded church leaders has been the de­ precation of the manifold division of Protestantism. Much effort has been and is being expended in order to bring to­ gether various church groups. The phi­ losophy behind this movement has been that Protestantism’s division equaled weakness. In answer to this, a recent book by Dr. Marcus Bach of the Uni­ versity of Iowa School of Religion flatly indicts such philosophy. After a study of fifteen years, Dr.. Bach entirely reverses his former position, and now believes Protestantism’s multiplicity is i t s strength. He quotes an old friend who once told him, “ Unite the churches and you’ll kill what religion there’s left.” Be this as it may, there is no question that Protestant union is in the air to­ day and Bible students can ponder well this trend in connection with the ’ pro­ phetic portions of the Word of God. They foretell the complete union of the apos­ tate church near to the time of our Lord’s return. Church Increases <£ Each year The Christian Herald de­ votes a lot of time and effort to a survey of American churchgoing. In their annual report for 1947 recently complet­ ed, they show that church membership now stands at 53% of the population, an increase of a little more than 2%% for the year. This is in comparison with the Roman Catholic Church report of a gain of 3V2%. The report takes into con­ sideration the population gain and shows that church membership increase has kept pace and has managed to slip a little ahead in the race between those being bom and those added to religious rolls. We could rejoice heartily in these figures were it not for personal observa­ tions of the pitifully small attendance which so many churches have. There are far too many “ regular” church members that never attend the services from Easter to Easter. Page Five

ment officers,” states Burdette Daniels, Chairman of a special State Crime Com­ mission. A survey made in Los Angeles County reveals that 33% of the individ­ ual jail budgets go for the care of drunks. Other communities reported far greater percentages. For instance, in Monrovia, California, 90% of the jail budget is expended for the same purpose. This is discouraging news to taxpayers and very difficult to reconcile with the fact that millions of dollars are allowed to be spent on advertising liquor and that a free hand is given to dealers in merchandising it. Where is our boasted American consistency? Suicide «5* Each year 122,000 people in the United States attempt to kill them­ selves, with approximately one-fifth of that number succeeding. A recent survey by three members of the Chicago Psychi­ atric Institute nbted some of the rea­ sons for this amazing will to die. The real cause, as understood by these men of research is likely to be a deep sense of guilt, although the victim often re­ ports various other reasons. Is there any way to prevent suicide? The researchers hinted that close fam­ ily ties and strong religious relationships are helpful. The latter lead us to remem­ ber that God has implanted within the breast of man a very stern monitor called conscience. If there were no other reason to believe in God as the Creator, the presence of conscience would be enough. Says— "N o D evil" At Annapolis, Maryland, Alexander W. Andrews, who taught in a Methodist Sunday school for thirty years, offers to prove in ten minutes that there is neither devil nor hell. Andrews’ chal­ lenge was made in a paid advertisement in a newspaper in the Maryland city, and included an offer to debate the sub­ ject with any three Protestant ministers. Let no one be surprised at this for the devil’s subtle strategy, since the be­ ginning of time, has been to attempt to hide both his existence and his iden­ tity. On the other side of the ledger, we have the sure word of Christ Him­


By William Ward Ayer, D.D. Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, New York, N. Y.

C HRISTIANITY is either a completely divine faith or the most intolerant and egotistical religion of history. Because of the unique nature of Christianity, it cannot be a halfway faith; either it is absolutely true or unspeakably false. Modern attitudes which make Christianity merely one of many religions, with little more authority than the others, has weakened the testimony of the faith and made many pro­ fessed followers of Christ wishy-washy, without conviction or stability. Christianity is both intolerant and compassionate. It will not admit the complete validity of any other religion, neither will it coerce anyone into its fold. Demanding freedom of thought for all, it declares there is but one way of access to God, and that through Christ. This was the claim of Christ: “ I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me,” “ I am the door,” “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” These and many other intolerant expressions came from His lips. Christianity is basically intolerant of other religions, but does not permit contempt for adherents to other faiths. It is at once the sternest and yet the kindliest of faiths. It declares

all ethnic religions blind gropings after God but says to these pagan beliefs that Christianity is the way to God, to forgive­ ness of sin, and eternal fellowship with the Infinite. Christianity recognizes in historic Judaism the basis of its faith, yet it has the audacity to say that Judaism is an in­ complete faith. It calls attention to the closing verses of the Old Testament (Mai. 4:5, 6) to show that Judaism’s revela­ tion closed with a note of expectancy, the hope of the coming of the Messiah. Judaism without the Messiah is a faith of incompleteness and longing. Judaism without the Deliverer has a heart cry that has never .been satisfied. Groping After God Many people doubt the presence in the world of absolute and final religious truth. They claim that religion is subject to the laws of evolution; that all faith is a progressive search for God, and that Christianity is perhaps the best discovery to date, but that there will be other and more satisfactory revelations later. How can we know when there are so many religions? Be­ fore the author became a Christian, he wanted to study all world religions and determine which one was true; so "he pur­ posed to study Buddhism, Mohammedanism, Confucianism and others and form his own conclusions as to their validness. He discovered the task impractical, if not impossible. Later he found Christ as his Saviour and learned he needed but one thing primarily, a knowledge of God in Christ. One need not grope around in the dark for long periods before coming to the light. One may embrace Christ, and Christianity will prove its absolute truthfulness and in turn reveal the false­ ness of all other faiths. 'There are five great religions in the world (if we may for the sake of argument include Christianity as a world re­ ligion). These are Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Mohammed­ anism, Buddhism and Christianity. Space does not permit the consideration of all of these religions now. We shall examine two. Mohammedanism professes to be a special revelation of God to man; Buddhism, while not professedly a revelation of God, is supposed to be the working out of a desirable way of life. These two religions properly examined will give us a satisfactory understanding of the methods of other religions. Mohammed’s religion has captured millions. His doctrine of God’s oneness had deep appeal when propagated in a pagan, polytheistic era. However, his failure was his denial of the doctrine of the Trinity. He knew nothing of the deity of Jesus Christ and the personality of the Holy Spirit. Low Moral Viewpoint The god of Mohammed is a pitiless god, without holiness or compassion. The Moslem faith is not propagated in love but in fanatical zeal. It has been propagated by the sword all over the world and brutality has accompanied the enlargement of its borders. One notes the brutality in modern India, and shudders at the slaughter of human life in Palestine. That it is not a religion of divine revelation is seen by its low moral viewpoint, its permitting and promoting of polyg­ amy, its reducing of womanhood to a mere chattel in the social scheme. Mohammedanism’s view of heaven as a place of sensual enjoyment where the carnal desires of this life are exercised without hindrance or physical inabilities shows that this religion comes from the sinful heart of man rather than the holy heart of God. It is hardly necessary to compare Mohammedan carnality and low moral standards with the exalted teachings of Jesus, who said to the Sadducees that in T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Midway Point, California Coast

Page Six

the after-life men were neither married nor given in marriage but were as the angels in heaven. Mohammedanism cannot stand the severe test of Christ’s teaching, “ Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” The religious zeal and love of conquest in the hearts of the prophet’s followers engender the most stubborn pride and self-complacency. Anyone who has lived among the Arabs will say that they are a proud and haughty people; even when Christ is presented to them and they are led to see their need of Him, very few of them yield. The number of those who have been made Christians by missionary effort is negligible. Spiritually-minded folk see that the Mohammedan claim of divine and final revelation is preposterous! Life's Misery Buddhism is a religion of a different sort which was founded about fifth century B.C. by Gautama, a man pro­ foundly in earnest, whose chief purpose was to escape the contaminations of the world.and the sense of sin and evil that was in him. He had a great longing for peace; therefore he endeavofed to find a way out of life’s mise’ry into some sort of an existence which would bring deliverance. His was the first escapist religion, for to him all life was misery and the best way to destroy misery was to extinguish all desire. Nirvana, or nothingness, is the final objective of this faith. To achieve this completely passive state, the individual personal­ ity must be absorbed by the universal soul so that no in­ dividual desire exists and thereby it suffers no separate pain or misery of any kind. As someone has put it, “ The highest hope of man in Buddhism is the hope of extinction!” Compare with this expectation the high purpose and dignity which the Lord Jesus Christ put into life. Buddha’s phi­ losophy would extinguish desire; Christ’s philosophy is to satisfy desire. Of course, that desire must first be made legiti­ mate through regeneration and a redirection of all impulses. Christ dared to say, “ I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Sin, after all, is often a wild desire for life; but, tragically, sin ends in death. Only Jesus can give the life that satisfies. He says, “ He that cometh to me shall never hunger; and -he that be- lieveth on me shall never thirst.” Christ’s gospel is the anti­ thesis to the negativeness of Buddhism. When Christianity’s view of life and its relationship to eternity is compared to the beliefs of Buddhism, we find that the chasm between the two widens. Christianity looks at this present life as a training ground for eternity, and tells us of a continuation of personality after death. It has no nebulous philosophy concerning the individual’s being swallow­ ed up in universal spirit, but encourages and inspires us with the realization that death is but a passageway into another life, that personality continues on another plane. No Buddhist can sing as does the Christian, I know not where His islands lift Their fronded palms in air; I only know I cannot drift Beyond His love' and care. Buddhism is without God, without redemption, without hope, and without love! The world has had many teachers but only one Jesus! All other religious leaders fade before the matchless Christ. 7. Christianity is true because it is a dignified and trustworthy revelation of God and His nature. William James in his great essay, The Will to Believe, said, “ Launch out into the dark if you will and act upon belief that God exists, and experience will vindicate your faith.” This is true in a measure; there are times when we must “ step out into the seeming void and find the rock be­ neath.” But Christianity doesn’t begin that way. Jesus defi­ nitely declared that there were tangible evidences for the existence of God and His revealed purposes. You cannot in all of revelation find a clearer statement than that of Jesus in John 5. In the midst of a controversy with the leaders of Israel, Jesus said that there was a fourfold witness to His deity, His Messiahship, and the validity of the philosophy which He brought to the world. O C T O B E R , I 9 4 8

Home of John Knox on the Royal Mile, Edinborough, Scotland

First, there was the witness of John the Baptist (vv. 33-35). “John. . .bare witness unto the truth,” said Jesus. Then, there was the witness of the mighty works of the Son of God (v. 36). Jesus said that these works which the Father had given Him to do witnessed to His deity, and to the fact that the Heavenly Father had sent Him into the world. The Final Authority There was also the witness of the Father Himself (vv. 37- 39). “ Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape,” said our Lord to the Pharisees. He reminded them that at the baptism and at other times the Father had spoken and approved of the Son. The final witness is that of the Scriptures. Jesus admonish­ ed them to “ Search, the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.” All through the Bible, Old Testament and New, there is a dignified and trustworthy revelation of God and His nature which coincides in every part. “ God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in times past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son.” While pantheism in religion, and evolution in science, re­ present deity as blind force, impersonal power or hideous gods, Christianity presents God as a person, humanly revealed in Christ. Our Lord could truthfully say, “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” The human mind demands this revelation and so does the human heart. A child does not want an abstract principle, but a father! The cry of the ancient Job “ Oh that I knew where I might find him!” is the cry of all. How essential to peace of mind and heart is this humanity of Christ. A missionary in Africa talking to a native convert who was having difficulties received this reply from him, “ The trail is hard and tangled but there is a Man ahead of us.” Jesus always goes before. He is ever in front and answers human needs. He has traveled the pathway before us and slain every beast of the way and lighted even the valley shadow in order that we might pass through in safety and without fear! II. Christianity is true because it takes true cognizance of man—his nature and his need. What other faith squarely faces man’s nature? Most other religions are creeds of advice. Christianity is a religion of redemption. The human race is in a pit. Confucianism, Mo­ hammedanism and Buddhism either condemn or condone man; only Christianity lifts him out of the pit and gives him a nature which is able to keep him from falling into the pit again. Human pride does not like to accept this philosophy of Christianity, because the prerequisite to its reception is an admission of our lost condition and of our need of a Saviour. Page Seven

Men would rather have a religion which encourages self- improvement than a religion which says, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God,” and “ There is none righteous, no, not one.” The cross is the only saving instru­ ment in all the world, but it is an oifense to the proud, carnal heart, which loves to say:

Christ Is Best Some say Mohammedanism is best for the Arabs and Budd­ hism is best for the Orientals. I’ll grant you that these re­ ligions fit their national philosophies, yet I suspect that these philosophies have resulted from the religions themselves. The great enemies of mankind are sin and death, and any religion which does not deliver man from these great foes cannot be a divine religion. Christianity appeals to the highest and noblest instincts of man and makes possible a victorious life in the midst of the world’s sin, which has made our earth a shambles. Who but Jesus Christ would dare to say, “ Thy sins be forgiven thee” ? Who but Jesus Christ could say, “ Be­ cause I live, ye shall live also” ? What religious teacher has said, “ I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and pre­ pare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” Jesus Christ dealt with sin on the cross, and dealt with death in the tomb, and came forth triumphant over both. Christianity therefore is afraid of neither life nor death, neither time nor eternity. There is in Christianity no pessi­ mism about the -triumph of good in the world, •because it believes in an Omnipotent God. Christianity is true! To the faithful individual it gives per­ sonal satisfaction and assurance. In a universe of discord, struggle and frustration, the believer in God finds salvation, harmony, assurance, peace and hope. Christianity is not only true, but it is the only religion which is wholly and completely true—“ Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” Christianity is a religion of divine revelation which unifies man’s universe, and satisfies the longing of his mind in answering questions concerning his origin, nature, duty and destiny. Finally and undeniably, it removes the guilt of sin and gives to the believer a conscious access to God, a deep sense of filial relationship and abiding peace.

I would not have a god come in To shield me suddenly from sin, And set my house of life to rights; Nor angels with bright burning wings Ordering my earthly thoughts and things; Rather my own frail guttering lights Wind-blown and nearly beaten out, Rather the terror of the nights And long, sick groping after doubt. Rather be lost than let my soul Slip vaguely from my own control — Of my own spirit let me be In sole, though feeble, mastery.*

It is the same spirit as prevails in Henley’s “ Invictus” in which the author claims proudly that in the midst of the bludgeoning of fate his head is “bloody but unbowed,” and that he is still the master of his fate and the captain of his sou^' Man Is Lost! Christianity is true in states an undeniable fact: man is lost and needs supernatural power to save him. While this is condemnatory, it is not unkind, for it promises to cure man of the evil of his sin. Christianity is true because the Saviour who is the Head of the Christian faith really reveals God to man and man to himself. In our mechanistic day, a book of instructions is given with every machine we buy, automobile, typewriter or sew­ ing machine. When something goes wrong, our first thought is, “ Where is the book that goes with the machine?” We would think a man foolish who, while knowing nothing about the mechanism of the object, attempted to tinker with­ out regard to the directions. Now the Bible is the Book that goes with man! It tells where he came from, what he is made for, where he is going, and how he can be kept in order. The tragedy of life is that there are so many people who try to live their lives without- studying the Book that goes with man. The old pagan who had been taught to read the Bible came back to the missionary with this surprising statement, “ The Man who wrote that Book knows my heart.” III. Christianity is true because it delivers man from his greatest enemies—Sin and Death. Whatever else man needs, he needs salvation primarily. Today Christianity is under the severest testing because it is the so-called Christian nations who have been fighting the bloodiest wars. It is not because they are Christians that they fight, but because of the fact that they have taken the benefits of Christian civilization, and ignored faith’s moral and spiritual power that they are constantly at one another’s throats. Sometime ago an Indian maharaja; conversing with an American, asked him, “ Do you know why God is punishing the Christians by letting them fight and destroy each other as they are?” Answering his own question, he then said, “ If I paid as little attention to my religion as most Christians pay to theirs, I would expect God to punish me.” Then this Hindu prince explained that though less than one per cent of the officials in his employ were British, yet for their sake he kept all his offices closed on Sunday, and had built two Christian churches, that they might have both time and place for worship. But he went on to say that services were held only about once in three months. “ What do they do on Sunday?” he asked. “ They are hunting, boating, tennising, racing, playing cards. If you ask me why God is punishing the Christian nations, I think that there you have the answer.” Now this condemnation is difficult for us to swallow, but it is inescapably true. Note, however, that the Hindu would not feel condemned for doing these same things for which he condemned the Christians. The superiority of Christianity over Hinduism is shown by the fact that Christianity con­ demns people who do these things, and shows man to be a sinner. *Sara Teasdale: Love Songs, copyright 1917 The Macmillan Company, used by permission. Page Eight

Temple of Jupiter, Baalbek, Syria, the walls of which are higher and thicker than those of the Parthenon on the Acro­ polis. It is a great unsolved mystery how these giant columns were erected with such precision and on their tops an archi­ trave of stone block was placed, weighing many tons. But even this is insignificant in contrast with the mystery of godliness that God in Christ reconciled the world unto Himself. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


and a Steering Wheel

By Gerry Hamlett*

diately, but it was six o’clock when we actually left. Those who have lived in the land of the black man will under­ stand this delay. The intervening hours had been spent “ chiniking” (arguing the fare), and then sitting down by the road­ side while a host of Africans fought for places on the back of the truck. For many it meant standing room only. In addition to the human cargo, there was much freight to be loaded. Just as the tropical sun was bowing down to tall palms in the west, we be­ gan slowly to wend our way out of Gombe. Our truck seemed to fairly groan beneath its great burden, but for the first five miles none of us were aware that anything was actually wrong. Suddenly, as we started down an in­ cline, we were horrified to discover that the steering apparatus was not working properly. The native driver stopped, got out, and announced that he would not think of driving that vehicle any farther. It was then that “ another driver” stepped up—a seventeen-year-old lad— and announced that he would get us to Jos regardless of the condition of the truck. He mounted the driver’s seat. With a crashing of gears, we were off, reeling from one side of the road to the other, never knowing just which little dale or vale was to be our final resting place. There was no doubt in our minds: this lad had missed his calling. He was meant for dive bombers and pursuit planes— not for mere trucks tied down to earth. He fought that steering wheel with his entire body, calling on Allah at the top of his lungs. Finally he announced that at the seventeen-mile post out of Gombe we would “ lighten the ship.” This we did, disposing of much cargo and a few of the natives. If this operation was made in order to make the truck more easy to handle, then it only seemed to increase the speed of this moving death row. The dirt road seemed always to be going up

Warriors of the Tregwe tribe (Nigeria) on the day of the rain festival. I LOOKED up into the star-spangled heavens of a Nigerian night and my heart cried out: “ O Lord, steering wheel or no steering wheel, it is all the same to Thee. Brakes or no brakes, noth­ ing is impossible with Thee. If it is Thy will, take me safely home.” But I was having a hard time; here and there were sharp darts of unbelief. Then I added a postscript to my prayer: “ Lord, if You do get us there, I will write it for Thy glory.” I was sitting in the cab of a native lorry (truck). We were weaving all over the road like a spinning top. Only that afternoon I had left the mission station at Zambuk, Nigeria, accompanied by a young married couple from a sister mis­ sion society. Kind friends had given us the use of a 1929 Model A Ford in which to travel the sixteen miles to the Moham­ medan city of Gombe where we were to use a lorry for the remaining 177 miles to Jos, our destination. To us, this little Ford was pure luxury and we sang its praises as it easily crossed the bridge­ less streams. Arriving in Gombe, we headed for the post office, a little mud hut with a grass- thatched roof. Our friends in America had not failed us! There were letters and packages! Soon a black boy came running toward us to say that a lorry was leaving for Jos immediately and we must hurry to catch it.. The lorry proved to be a one-and-a- half-ton American army truck which long ago had been discarded as unfit for use. But it didn’t look too bad to us; its olive-drab color seemed like a friend from fhe States. It was a little after two o’clock in the afternoon when we Were told that the lorry was leaving imme- *Missionary of the Sudan Interior Mission, Jos. Nigeria, B.W. Africa. O C T O B E R , I 9 4 8

Nigerian native police. or down. And “going down” brought the most thrills for it was then that we rode a roller coaster. Apparently the driver had a strong dislike for brakes. When asked why he didn’t shift to low gear on the down grades, he replied that it took too much gasoline. As we sped over narrow African bridges spanning rivers and ravines, we prayed with all of our hearts for deliverance. What chance did we have with 150 more miles of this? Our nerves were taut now; the long night was before us. Occasionally a star fell, spinning down to earth as if to sympathize with us! How glad I was that I was ready to meet the Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth, if this was His time. Finally we struck upon a plan: Why not suggest that the white man drive the truck the remainder of the way to Jos? He had driven trucks in America. If anybody could keep that vehicle on the road, surely he could. It took a long time to convince the youthful African driver that this would be an improve­ ment, but at last he relinquished his post and joined the crowd in the rear. What was our horror to hear his last instructions, given in a very matter-of- fact manner? “ Don’t use the brakes more than you have to; they don’t work!” Faulty brakes and faulty steering—a precarious combination. But even so we two girls relaxed a bit, knowing that the driver was one of the Lord’s own and possessed of good judgment. However, we had not gone more than two or three miles before we realized that this dilapi­ dated affair was beyond the control of even an experienced white driver. Again the missionary and the black boy traded places in the driver’s seat. As we won­ dered why the Lord had allowed this sit­ uation, we concluded that He wanted us Page Nine

Nigerian snake charmer.

it be said that I prefer to sleep this precarious way in the will of God than to occupy the richest suite of rooms of the Waldorf-Astoria outside His will. In addition, there was the pleasant sur­ prise of awakening to behold the ex­ quisite morning star shining high above me in a soft turquoise sky—and won­ dering for a moment, “ Where am I?” Before I proceed with the account of this thrilling ride, a note to all prospec­ tive missionaries to Africa is in order! Don’t forget a steamer rug when you buy your outfit! It is invaluable. If you don’t actually use it on a boat, you will need it in the cold altitude as you fly the Atlantic. Again you may have to roll up in it along the side of an African 'path in the hotel-less hush. When you arrive at language school, it will be your first bedspread while you are waiting for your other earthly possessions to catch up with you. Yon can soften the hard board seats of a native lorry with it. You may want to use it as a table cloth on which to spread your first lunch on trek. Or it will serve nicely as a pillow when you drift slowly down the Congo or the Niger in a dug-out canoe. Thank God for sleep that “ knits up the raveled sleeve of care.” He had lit the sun again, so we did not need to be con­ cerned with lorry lights. We slept by the fifty-mile post out of Gombe and now had 127 miles to go before seeing Jos. The danger was still imminent, but somehow God gave a peace passing un­ derstanding. The remainder of the trip took ten hours, a good twelve miles an hour. There were dozens of stops—every five, seven, ten miles, repairs had to be made. There was trouble with the gas line, the carburetor, the tires, the bat­ tery; there was not sufficient oil, the engine was over-heated. Many times the immediate area around the parked truck was filled with our Moslem passengers who alighted to say their Mohammedan prayers. Turning their faces toward Mecca, they prostrated themselves upon the earth, touching their foreheads to the ground repeatedly. They were un­ ashamed and I could not but think of so-called Christians in the homeland afraid to ask a blessing at the table be­ fore meals! “ Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah!” We must have heard that Mohammedan word for God a hundred times that day. It was repeated in prayer; it was employed as an oath by angry Moslem lips. Often the oath and the petition came in the same breath. Every time we stopped for repairs, we were surrounded by curious onlookers who were quick to say “ Allah ya ba ku lafiya” (God give you health) and “ Ranki ya dade” (Long may you live). The latter greeting seemed to be a little too pertinent at the time! My black Christian house boy was riding in the rear with the Moslem pas­ sengers. Unknown to me at that time, these Moslems had told him that they were not afraid of being killed on this dangerous journey because we white missionaries were in the truck and there­ fore the Christian God would see that

we got safely to Jos. This was an amaz­ ing admission for them. So our Lord had to vindicate Himself. Had we not prayed the night before: “ O Lord, steering wheel or no steering wheel, it is all the same to Thee. Brakes or no brakes; nothing is impossible with Thee. If it is Thy will, take me safely home” ? At four o’clock in the afternoon we saw the answer to that prayer, as with­ out having suffered one injury, I en­ tered the door of my African home with its white-washed mud walls. As we neared Jos, we heard the news of a ter­ rible accident which had taken place the previous night. A car with two British soldiers and a nurse had crashed through the rails of a bridge and plunged thirty feet to the rocks below. The nurse, a girl of twenty-five, was killed. Soon after that, I went to stand a few minutes beside her grave. I felt I had to go. According to all the laws of human reasoning, I should have been buried there beside her. We had covered the same dangerous territory and our means of transportation was much worse than hers. Why was her life taken and mine spared? God must have some special work for me to do. So standing there I, without reservation, dedicated my life to Him anew—totally. Whiskey bottles found in the wreck­ age had explained the nurse’s fate. Iron­ ically enough, in the car was found a book entitled, “Heaven’s My Destiny.” Reader friend: What is the destiny of your immortal soul? On which road are you traveling? Who is at the steer­ ing wheel of your life? Jesus Christ, the holy Son of God, is the only Way to Heaven. I thank God that He is mine and I am His. He Had A Rendezvous w ith Death By Betty Bruechert C HRIST had a rendezvous with Death, Upon a hill of blood and shame, Although men found in Him no blame And He brought blessing everywhere. He had a rendezvous with Death; He had our load of sin to bear. I I E preached the Gospel to the poor, ■■And bade the sinner sin no more; He healed with every word and breath, He set sin's weary captives free. He had a rendezvous with Death, Upon a hill called Calvary, He could not bring us back to God Without the spear, the nails, the rod. F OR Him 'twere better far to stay In Heaven, by His Father's side; But then for us had been no way Of life beyond our final breath. Christ chose with Paradise to part, He had a rendezvous with Death. For sake of you and me He died. The love He had within His heart Kept Him to His pledged purpose true, He did not fail that rendezvous. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Miango lads (Nigeria) dressed for the rain dance. Their caps are merely a fancy hair-do. to rely upon Him alone—not upon the arm of flesh. I was reminded of what I had heard a few weeks before: “ The black man can take a vehicle long discarded by the white man and, with a little paper and string, tie the thing together and make it go again.” There may be some exag­ geration in this statement, but not much! So we were off again in this juggernaut of reckless speed. “Ya Allah, sai( ka taimaki bawanka. Ya Allah, Serikin duniya, ka ba mu lafiya!” (0 Allah, help your servant, 0 Allah, king of earth give us health) sang our gay young driver as we rolled along. But in the hearts of the missionaries was a different cry: “ Lord, if it can be for Thy glory, get us safely home.” Then the lights of the truck dimmed and died out and total darkness en­ veloped us in the bush. The driver was compelled to stop for the night. We felt that God had closed the door to heaven for a little while longer. Now we could relax; get a bit of refreshing sleep and be better prepared for what the morrow might bring. We had no camp cots, mosquito boots or net—nothing but a steamer rug to spread on the hard ground. I say “noth­ ing,” but there was the warm promise from the Psalms: “He shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust.” I laid me down and slept. Had He not promised, “He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways” ? There was no point in both the Lord and us staying awake. Lions and hyenas might not be too far away and there were the ever­ present malarial mosquitoes and the un­ friendly scorpions, but again there was the promise “ Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by night . . . nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness.” David wrote: “ I will both lay me down in peace and sleep: for thou, Lord, only rrtakest me to dwell in safety.” And let Pagp Ten

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