King's Business - 1948-10

¡Recreation For the Christian

A RADIO MISSION THAT REALLY REACHES JEWS 75 per cent of all Jews in the IT. S. live within range of our weekly broadcasts. Thousands have written asking for Testa­ ments. WRITE FOR FREE COPY of our bi-monthly magazine MESSAGE TO ISRAEL Jews who will not enter a church or mission will listen to a Christian broadcast designed to meet their needs. We need and welcome your interest in this program. C O U L S O N S H E P H E R D Bo x 6 8 Z G e n ! RO . N ew M>rk I.N .Y .

I N answer to a question regarding a form of worldly amusement and its relationship to Christian living, a promi­ nent minister made the following reply: “ Recreation is right because God has made it needful. This is true physically, mentally and spiritually. We cannot keep on the same line and at the same thing continually. To do so would be to over-develop some parts of our being and under-develop others, whereas, God requires us to keep these various parts in equipoise. That is a remarkable verse in I Thessalonians 5:23, especially when we understand the meaning of it as it appears in the original Greek. The Revised Version reading correctly trans­ lates its middle clause as follows: ‘May your spirit, soul and body be preserved entire,’ and the word ‘entire’ means whole in all its parts and thus co-related. So then, the spirit is to have its place, the soul its, and the body its, in perfect adjustment and balance. It is not wrong, therefore, to seek for and indulge in recreation. “ Things may be right or wrong in two ways: first, they may be the one or the other in themselves; or, second, they may be the one or the other in their relationships. A man may be wrong in himself, but may be right in his rela­ tionship, as when an unconverted man goes to church; and a man may be right in himself but may be wrong in his rela­ tionship, as when a converted man goes to a saloon. What God would have is that things may be right both in them­ selves and in their relationships, as when converted people attend prayer meetings or wholesome meetings of any kind.” Lawless America Last year 3,000,000 criminals com­ mitted 1,500,000 major crimes. The loot in 358,00 burglaries totaled $18,000,000. There were 250,000 automobiles stolen, 1,000,000 fraud or larcenies and 12,000 attack cases. On the basis of the fore­ going figures, District Attorney Edmund C. Brown of San Francisco called Amer­ ica the most lawless country in the world, estimating the total cost o f its ■crime at $25,000,000,000 annually. On the other hand, there is more ac­ tivity for God in America than in any other 10 countries. There are more social services, more rescue missions, more mis­ sionary interest, more work with boys and girls. This all seems a paradox, yet, the Scriptures have declared that wheat and tares, meaning good and evil, are to grow in the same field until the time of harvest. Never do we find an entire field of wheat, and never a whole field of tares. O C T O B E R , I 9 4 8

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