King's Business - 1948-10

W e Cou ld On ly S tamm e r — / W h a t a F a it h f u l G o d ! > Many thousands of Jewish Christians ' in Europe still continue to suffer ex- ■ treme privations and heartbreaking sor­ rows, even today. Here is a letter writ­ ten out of the fullness of her heart by a Hebrew Christian mother in Germany: “A few days ago I hud the-privilege of receiving a wonderful parcel from you, for which I thank you and all other children of God from the depths of my heart. Our joy was too great for words. We could 1 only stammer,^ *What a faithful God!* “ The privations and horrors, heartaches and tears, through which we have gone have left indelible marks upon us. My sec­ ond daughter who is a kindergarten teach­ er, has fallen a victim to tuberculosis, and for months will be unable to work again. She is a quiet, sircere, believing girl, and I do trust the Lord will restore her. “Our own loved ones were murdered in the gas chambers of Auschwitz concentra­ tion camp. If the Nazi had only had a little more time, my three daughters would have been done away with also. Oh, that the Lord may show His mercy upon Israel and redeem her.** Will you join us in this Christlike service and for His sake help us feed the hungry, supply the needs of the ravaged and downtrodden and lift up the hearts of men, women, and children in desperation. $10.00 will provide a very substantial life-saving food parcel. $50.00 will help support a missionary for one month. Please write to: T h e Friends o f Israel M ission ­ ary and Relief Society, Inc. 728-K Witherspoon Building Philadelphia 7, Pa. President Joseph M. Steele Treasurer . General Secretary Dr. Joseph T. Britan Rev. Victor Buksbazen Treasurer for Canada: Rev. Bruce Millar, B.A., B.D. Principal, Alma College St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada Otir quarterly magazine, ISRAEL MY GLORY, a specially fine missionary magazine, sent to all contributors and also on request. ECCLESIASTICAL OCTOPUS Incomparably, the best treatise yet produced on the Federal Coun­ cil of the C h u r c h of Christ in America. A carefully worded, splendidly documented book that should be in the library of every religious leader in America. C loth bound— $ 2 .0 0 Paper— $ 1 .2 5 , postpaid Dealers Protected O RD ER N O W FELLOWSHIP PRESS 9 P a r k S t r e e t R o s t o n 8 , M a s s .

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V ..

Do not fail to watch for our Thanksgiving number which will contain interesting articles by leading Bible teachers and the personal testimony of a blind Bible student.

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