King's Business - 1948-10

THE AMERICA REVIVAL CAMPAIGN announces Charles H. Smith, pastor, youth leader, evangelist, back in Califor­ nia from a 6-month, 15,000-mile evangelistic tour: 32 states, 100 churches, 10 denom ina tion s, speaking over 225 times. Avail­ able after Oct. 10, 1948 to church­ es, rallies, C.B.M.C. etc., alone or with Gospel Team. Single services or series, of meetings. Write: A.R.C., Box 6, Glendale, Calif. Phone, Citrus 4-1765 With our complete, fast-selling, religious line— SCRIPTURE TEXT CHRISTMAS CARDS, Every day Cards, Plaques, Calendars, Stationery, Lumi­ nous Items, Bibles, Books, Novelties, Gifts, etc. Good profit easily made. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write today for full information and liberal Wholesale Price List. C. W . BOYER CO., Dept. KB, Dayton 5, Ohio FOREIGN MISSIONARIES We represent large and modem papermills . and are anxious to supply Newsprint, Magazine, Song-Book, Bible Paper, Mi:rv»eo r.pb ledger •

I N the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand.” (Ecc. 11:6). That is, “ Use any and every opportunity which the Lord is pleased to give thee; seek to redeem the time, for thou hast but one life here on earth, and that a brief life—a very brief one as compared with Eternity; therefore make good use of it.” Oh, the blessing that results from attending to this! On every occasion, under all circumstances, after we have sought the Lord’s bless­ ing and are in a proper state of heart, let us drop a word for Christ here and there and everywhere, and after we have spoken it, bring it before God again, and again, and again in prayer. When the reaping time comes, and we find ourselves in glory, that child for whom we prayed will be found there! That aged cripple whom we met inci­ dentally on the road, and to whom we spoke, will be in Heaven. That person in consumption whom we visited every day for a long time, and who gave little or no heed at all to what we had to say, will be found in glory, having at last laid to heart -what we spoke so many times to him, and though we had no information about it, God blessed our word. Oh, the multitude of instances we shall find at last, when our work, labour, or service has, contrary to nat­ ural expectation, been blessed! I was once standing here about sixty- two years ago, preaching the Word of Life, and after I had done I was cast down because my words seemed to me so cold, so dull, so lifeless. And not till three months after did I hear that through that very address abundant blessing had been brought to nineteen different persons.

And precisely thus we shall find it in our labour and service in the end. Often and often it appears to us that the many opportunities made use of have been lost. Yet it will be seen that all was owned of God, all put down in His book of remembrance; our labour, after all, was not in vain, and the reap­ ing time has come. But let us carefully see to it that when the reaping time comes there will be something to reap because we have been labouring. If there be no labour, if there be a careless, thoughtless walk, without prayer and crying to God might­ ily, then let us not be surprised if when the harvest time comes there is no reaping as far as we are concerned. But as assuredly as there has been the cry­ ing mightily to God, as there has been the sowing, as there has been the laying out of ourselves for God, most assuredly we shall reap. “ For thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that.” We are ignorant of what God is about to do, because He does not tell us at this time whether He will own our labour and service or not. Therefore, our busi­ ness is at all times to seek to lay out ourselves for God, for, as I have stated before, we have but one life, and this one life is a brief life. “ Or whether they both shall be alike good.” God may bless, not merely at one time, but both times. In the morning the work may be commenced, in the evening the Holy Ghost may deepen it, and God may bring double blessing out of our poor, feeble service. Oh, let us seek to attend to this precious exhortation! —Geficg© Muller at Bristol, England, in his 92nd year. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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HERE IT IS!! 1 box Scripture Text Stationery, 10 Christmas Cards, 10 Everyday Cards — total value $1.5*0. FREE, Luminous Cross and Religious Gift Catalog. It's all yours for only $1.00. McBETH'S RELIGIOUS ART STUDIO Dept 14 Elizabethtown, Pa.

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