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November 7, 1948 CHRISTIANITY LOOKS AT NATIONALISM Psa. 33:12-22; Mark 12:13-17
Christians owe a debt to this wonder ful country in which we live. Our Lord describes our obligations in His Word and omits from His description many things which are not in the province of the Christian to observe. We have a large measure of religious freedom. We have many institutions which are true to the Word of God and which propa gate the precious truth of God. Our gov ernment permits this freedom. It is our privilege to pray for those in authority, to be law-abiding citizens, and to pro mote the welfare of our national in terests. We Should Obey Our Government Rom. 13:1 There is no question but that the be liever should be an example in his obe dience to the laws and rules of our gov erning bodies. Usually these are just and fair. Our courts of equity usually seek to be free from prejudice and tradition in making the laws of our land. The Christian should bow to these gladly and with the whole heart. Any other path is anarchy or fanaticism and results only in doing damage to God’s cause. Our laws generally agree with God’s laws as revealed in His Word. BIBLE RHYMES (Answers on Page 29) 1. A famous tower and a son of Adam and Eve. 2. A character noted for his patience and a garment put on Christ just be fore the crucifixion. 3. A famous city and a musical instru ment. 4. A weapon and the word omitted in the phrase “ Be of good . . .” 5. A king of Bashan and an animal often mentioned in Scripture. 6. A heathen god and a bird once sent as food to the children of Israel. 7. One of the “ forbidden” birds men tioned in Leviticus 11 and a fowl. 8. A perfume and a tree. —Vernon Howard, Lively Bible Quizzes. O C T O B E R , 1948
We Should Pray For Our Government 1 Tim. 2:1, 2 Not many leaders in government are Christians. Those who know and love Christ are not usually selected for public office. We need to pray for the men upon whom is placed the burden of making and directing our policies both nationally and locally. These men usually do not know the mind of God or the will of God, though they are not opposed to Christianity. Sometimes they are made tools of Satan and his schemes. We need to pray that their decisions will be bene ficial for Christianity and for the pro motion and growth of God’s church. We Should Honor Our Government 1 Pet. 2:17 We give honor to whom honor is due. By the vote of the people, we recognize the position given our leaders and acknowledge them as our superiors. We recognize their ability and acquiesce in their sovereignty. God is never pleased with rebellion except where the obedience to man’s law would mean disobedience to God’s Word. In our great country, this is a rare occurrence. Our govern ment does not ask us to do things which are contrary to the Scripture. We should honor those who make it possible for us to live in peace and security. We Should Serve Our Government Rom. 13:6 Our way of life demands many lines of industry which some one must per form. Our roads must be supervised; taxes must be arranged; treaties must be made with other nations; laws gov erning transportation must be enacted, and thousands of other matters consid ered. All of this requires skilled men. Christians may have their part in ren dering public service wisely and well while at the same time maintaining a Christian attitude and bearing a godly testimony. Let us do our part in promot ing the welfare of our wonderful na tion.
Portland 14* Oregon Page Twenty-one.
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