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November 14, 1948 CHRISTIANITY LOOKS AT COMMUNISM Acts 2:44, 45; Prov. 14:34; Matt. 25:31-34
Communism is a synonym for atheism. It is man’s great effort to solve man’s needs and deeds while excluding God from the program. It'is a system which endeavors to bring about man’s blessing while denying the program instituted by God in His Word. It is a social order which recognizes no kindness or pity or love or any of the sweet graces of the Spirit recorded in the Word of God. It is a system which has produced blood shed, tears, and broken homes, all of which Christ would prevent. We Should Maintain Good Works Titus 3:8 The Christian should desire to pro duce profitable work for God. He should be given the privilege of growing in skill, knowledge, and ability, and then of reaping a reward for his diligence. Communism denies this principle. The Christian should be permitted to pro mote brotherly kindness, sweet fellow ship, and those tender graces which make the society of our country attrac tive. In communism, this is not permit ted nor is it wanted. Communism exists by murder and hatred. We Should Grant Liberty John 8:32 When the Son of God makes us free, we are indeed free to live godly lives. When the truth makes us free, we are free to live fruitful lives. Communism makes no provision for such living. Un der communism, each individual is a slave with no right to think for himself There have always been those who were rich and those who were poor. It will continue to be that way. Communism has the rich and they oppress the poor with fire, sword, and Siberia. Some have all the heaven they will ever have on earth and God permits them to have every earthly comfort and blessing. Oth ers are always poor. Some by their wits and wisdom amass great fortunes. Oth ers barely earn a living. This has been God’s plan from the beginning. Grace is needed for both conditions and the Chris tian heart is ready for either situation. God Makes Rich and He Also Makes Poor Prov. 22:2 The basic trouble and the cause of the friction between capital and labor is not fundamentally one of money. It is a question of the evil human heart. The rich want to increase their riches by taking from others. The poor wish to relieve their situation by taking from the rich. Each seeks to outwit the other in this game. Conflicts do not come be tween Christian hearts. Christ is the remedy for the turmoil between capital and labor.
or to work for his own profit. Chris tianity sets us free for enterprise, for fellowship, and for worship. God wants us to stand fast in the liberty where with Christ has made us free. We Should Honor Industry Rom. 12:11 Godly men give freely of their ener gies, their time, and their talents to promote the welfare of their masters and of their business. Communism re moves all incentive for any industry except that which will increase the strength and the military power of their state. Individuals become slaves and pawns under communism and have no personal liberties. Industry is honored only as it is for the strengthening of the military forces of their organiza tion. Communism offers no successful arrangement between capital and labor. We Should Seek Godly Leaders 2 Sam. 23:3 Communism offers ungodly leadership. Their leaders have no sense of justice, righteousness, or goodness. Their rule is by force of sword and any whose opinions may differ may fill an early grave. Christians seek and desire to have men of God filled with the grace of God who will rule and reign in the fear of God. This path has been tried through the centuries and proved to be success ful. Communism has strewn the way with the dead and stained the halls with blood. Enemies of communism are being put to death so that government for God and His attributes are being shut out. What is a man’s time worth? What is right pay per hour for the brickmason, the doctor, the railroad engineer, the man who is on the fire department? It is a matter of equity. The laboring man says it is based on the earnings of his employer. The employer says it is based on the output of his employees. In Chris tian circles this problem is easily han dled in a mutually satisfactory manner. Wicked men who are capitalists can hardly be expected to do that which will have God’s approval. This is true also of wicked men in labor circles. The strife continues because Christ is omit ted from the program. God Plans Equity Col. 4:1 We work in vain to find a remedy for the trouble between capital and labor while the hearts of both groups are filled with sin and selfishness. As long as men desire more money and less work, the capitalists will be opposed. As long as capital demands more work and less money, labor will be opposed. Thus the strife continues because the rules and T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S God Desires Justice Eph. 6:9
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November 21, 1948 CHRISTIANITY LOOKS AT CAPITALISM Deut. 8:6-18; Ezek. 28:4,5; Luke 12:48b; Matt. 25:14-30
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