regulations of the Christian way are ignored. Man has no remedy in himself to handle human hearts. God Arranges Leadership Acts 6:3 Capitalists are men with great intel lect and ability to organize and produce. Most laboring men are unable to handle large projects. Whether the Christian be the one or the other, it is his privi-
lege and in fact his duty to live a godly life, honoring Christ and exemplifying the Scriptures. The capitalist should be a saved man. He should be God-fearing. He should seek to know and practice the Word of God. Those who labor under him and for him should also be Chris tian men working in the fear of God. This would solve the great unrest of to day in commercial life.
What Will
Vo? A HOMELESS, sick child, such as the little fellow pictured here, is at your door, pleading for shelter, food, and Christian love. He’s "one of the least of these . . ." Over in China there are numberless little ones begging for an opportunity to enter the Home of Onesiphorus where spiritual and physical needs are met. Our hearts tell us to take in all who come. Because the funds available limit our ministry, we must often deny what our hearts command. Through the "adoption" plan, individ uals, families, and groups are invited to cooperate in this soul-saving, body-rehabil itating mission. If your heart responds to our invitation to share in this work, we will gladly send you on request a free copy of CHINA HARVESTER and informa tion about the support of a child. HOME OF ONESIPHORUS G. A. LUNDMARK, President Dept. Kt 2811 N. Racine Ave., Chicago 13, III. LAN TERN S L ID E S Missionaries and Christian Workers: You can have your black and white snapshot or printed pictures turned into beautiful colored glass slides (2"x2" or 3}i"x4") at 75 cents^ each. (Discount on quan tity.) Over 15 progressive years at this address. You Can Learn Your Favorite Instrument This Easy A-B-C Way No special talent, no previous training needed. This U. S. School home-study method is so suc cessful because you learn to play by playing real tunes by note, right from the start. And just think, you can learn your favorite instrument for °nly a few cents a day. If interested, mail coupon for FREE booklet and Print-and-Picture Sample. See for yourself how easy it is to learn any instru ment right at home, in spare time, with out a private teacher. U. S. SCHOOL OF MUSIC m m 10910 Brunswick Bldg., New York 10, N. Y. 50th yr. FREE! Print and Picture Sample U. S. School of Music 10910 Brunswick Bldg., New York 10, N. Y. Please send me Free Booklet and Print and Picture Sample. I would like to play (Name Instrument). Have you Instrument.................................... Instrument. . . . . Name............................................................................ .... (Please Print) Address.......................................................................... C. WHITFIELD SJMS Phone CLeveland 66129 6176 Myosotis Street Los Angeles 42, Calif. EVEN IF YOUDONTKNOW ANOTEOFMUSICNOW..
November 28, 1948 CHRISTIANITY LOOKS AT SOCIALISM Prov. 22:2; Eccl. 5:9; Acts 4:32-37
To share is God-like. In the early church the Christians had the ideal ar rangement. No one was occupied with selfishness and grasping for this world’s goods. All were occupied with seeking the glory of God and the salvation of souls. When the heart is thus engaged with heaven’s purposes, then heavenly results follow in the soul. Godly fruit is manifested in the life. We can never have socialism while hearts are wicked and lives are sinful. When grace rules, then lives are equally blessed. The Spirit Makes Men Unselfish Acts 2:44 It was at Pentecost that socialism was successful. The Holy Spirit so moved on men’s hearts and minds that they had all things common and did not care to call anything their own. In our day we see this exemplified in a lesser degree. Hearts that are Spirit-filled share gladly, willingly, and liberally. Benevolence sup plants self-seeking and stinginess. Let all who bear the name of Christ seek this blessing in their lives. . The Spirit Makes Men Liberal Acts 4:32 The grace of giving is a natural result of the Spirit-filled life. It is the life of Christ manifested in us. Jesus gave His all. Those who love the Saviour most give the best. Those who know the Spirit best pour out their lives that others may be enriched. Those who are led by the Holy Spirit give of themselves and of
their possessions for the enrichment of many. This is the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though He was rich, He became poor that we might be rich. The more Christ is rejected, the less of the grace of giving is manifested in human hearts. The Spirit Makes Men Share Luke 6:38 Though it be only a cup of tea and a bit of toast, the guest enjoys the cordial hospitality and the gracious fellowship. It is the teaching of our Lord that we should give the cloak and the coat. By His example, we learn to share every thing that we have with those who are less fortunate. The heathen know noth ing of this precious grace. The capitalist knows little of this blessed procedure. The communist denies and rejects this entire program. Only Spirit-filled men wish that others shall be as great as they are and as rich as they are. The Spirit Condemns Selfishness Jas. 5:4 It seems to be inherent in the human heart to want to have more than others and to boast of it. The poor man who is a socialist loses his philosophy con cerning money and other socialistic ideas when his rich uncle dies and leaves him a fortune. The communist revels in his doctrine while he has the upper hand and is one of the chosen few leaders. When he incurs disfavor he is sorry for communism for his trade is a farce and justice is dead.
Fam ous for years as th e standard o f quality. Price includes hardwood cross sticks, cords and gold finish ends. No. 1. Cradle Roll. Green. No design. 14 by 20 inches. $2.25. No. 4. Junior.-Dark blue with open Bible design. 14 by 20 inches. $2.25. No. 8. Bible Class. Red with design. 14 by 20 inches. $2.25. No. 9. Star Class. Maroon with gold star. 14 by 20 inches. $2.25. No. 10. Banner Class. Royal blue or maroon. 14 by 20 inches. $2.25. No. 1 1 . Cradle roll. Green with “ Baby Moses’ ’ de sign. 14 by 20 inches. $2.25. No. 12. Beginners. Red with “ Boy Samuel” de sign. 14 by 20 inches. $2.25. No. 13. Primary. Green with “ Good Shepherd” design. 14 by 20 inches. $2.25. No. 15. Banner Class. Blue with open Bible de sign. 17 by 27 inches. $3.25. No. 16. Banner Attendance Class. Blue. No de sign. 17 by 27 inches. $3.00. No. 17. Banner Offering Class. Purple. No design. 17 by 27 inches. $3.00.
Order from your dealer Catalog free on request WM. H. DIETZ, Inc. IO So. Wabash, Dept. |03 CHICAGO 3, ILL.
O C T O B E R , 1948
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