King's Business - 1948-10

CHURCH BULLETINS Scriptural Artistically Designed Large Assortment—Self Selection Lithographed — Special Days General Use. Be Sure to Get Oar Free Catalog and Samples ECCLESIASTICAL ART PRESS Dept. K Louisville 12, Ky. RARE GIFTS PASTORS-TEACHERS-CHILDREN’S WORKERS A million boys and girls inspired to “YOUNG­ STERS FOR CHRIST” meetings by lovely rare | gifts. Ages 8 to 13. 65,000 accepted Christ. First time decisions. We can supply 52 different gifts. Very small cost. Watch your class and S.S. grow —give a gift. Samples and price list Free. EVARETT MILLS, National Director 1301 West 58th Place, Los Angeles 44, California

Pointers on the Lesson, H o m e r A . K e n t , T h . d . Helps for the Children, A l l is o n A r r o w o o d

Lesson material is based upon outlines of the International Sunday School Lessons copyrighted by the International Council of Religious Education; used by permission.

R each T he C h ildren K t i - i - iti For Sunday School Child Evangelism, DVBS, Etc. 75 Songs by Lena Seley Lawrence For Children and .Young People, Old Testament Story Songs with Gospel application; prayer and seasonal sings. Price $1.00 per copy

November T, 1948 DRAMA IN THE BIBLE Job 1:1; 2:1-6; 42:1-6,10a

Throughout the centuries the lie has been given to Satan’s assertion by the countless thousands of martyrs who have been willing to lay down their lives for Christ rather than recant. Then, too, sickness and suffering have drawn many closer to the Lord. Job at the End of Trial (42:1-6,10a) By a vision of the Lord Job was hum­ bled. Thus the purpose of the vision was fulfilled. Job recognized that he had said things during his trial with the boils that he should not have said. He had been too bold. There had been some self-righteousness in his heart. But now he is sorry. He abhors himself and feels like Isaiah who after his vision said, “Woe is me! for I am undone” (Isa. 6:5). He is no longer argumentative or seeking to justify himself. He prays for his “ comforters” and God blessed him more than he was ever blessed before. No one ever loses by being faithful to God. Helps for the Children When Job Was in Trouble Job 37:14-17 Memory Verse: ‘‘O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee” (Psa, 84:12). God’s servant, Job, was in trouble! His children had died, his servants had been killed, and his health was ruined. Job’s friends said that these troubles had been sent by God to punish Job for some wrong that he had done. Job knew that his God must be trusted no mat­ ter what He permitted to happen in the lives of His children. When Job’s faith in God weakened, the Lord re­ minded him of His power and His love. He said, “ Stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God.” Job knew that his God was perfect in knowledge. He finally said, “ Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.” Because Job refused to distrust and deny God, he was given chil­ dren and flocks and wealth greater than he had possessed before. Surely Job’s heart must have said with the Psalmist: T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Pointers on the Lesson God was proud of Job. He was the best man of his day. But one day Satan came to God and said, in effect, “Why shouldn’t he be? You have given him everything that a man could desire. Take these things away from him and he will not serve you.” Then God began to test Job to demonstrate that what Satan said was not true, that there are men who will trust the Lord in spite of outward conditions. In self-defense, un­ der the temptation of Satan, Job some­ times said things he should not have said but he never did denounce God. And in the end he came forth a better man than he was before. Note several things in connection with his experience: Job’s Life Before He Was Tried ( 1 : 1 ) Job is presented as a real man, not a fictional character as some make him out to be. His literal place of abode is men­ tioned (la ). Uz seems to have been to the east of Palestine and, in Lamenta­ tions 4:21, appears to be identical with Edom. This coincides with the statement that Job was a man of the “east” (3). His character is described (lb ). He was a man of purity. His attitude toward God and man was right. He is called “perfect” ,—not perfect in the absolute sense, but in the sense of maturity in righteous character, a well-rounded man. He was sincere, consistent, dependable. The Hebrew word translated “perfect” simply means complete. His life was straight. Job’s Life During Trial ( 2 : 1 - 6 ) These verses are really introductory to Job’s second trial. In the previous chapter the record shows Job faithful to God even though bereft of possessions and children. Now Satan comes with his second accusation, namely, that a man will not sacrifice his health for God, that a man’s physical life is more pre­ cious than loyalty to God. So Satan reasoned. God then allowed Job to be tested in his body in order to demon­ strate that for some men there are things more precious even than health.

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