King's Business - 1948-10

Often the message brought by the proph­ ets told of future blessings or punish­ ments depending upon the obedience of the Israelites. Amos was a herdman whom God chose to be His messenger. Much of Amos’ message from God told of the future punishment coming upon the Israelites for their sin. Along with the warning came a promise of future blessing when God’s children should return unto Him. Part of Amos’ message is found in our memory verse for today. In this verse, God is pleading for His people to return to Him and to honor Him in their lives. One of the priests complained to the king about the message which Amos brought to the people. Because Amos had faithfully delivered God’s message

about the future punishment that was coming to the Israelites because of their sins, the priest asked Amos to leave the land. Amos was forbidden to prophesy again in Bethel. He told the priest bold­ ly how God had called him from among the herdmen to be a prophet. He then told the priest of the punishment that was coming to him because he had for­ gotten his God. God is seeking faithful messengers among Christian boys and girls today. He wants messengers who will tell His message no matter what others may say about them or do to them. A good mes­ senger never gives his own suggestions or orders. Rather, he is like a loud speak­ er, letting the Holy Spirit speak God’s message through him. Can God count upon you to be His faithful messenger? noble thoughts in beautiful and rhyth­ mical language so as to attract atten­ tion, stir the feelings, and aid the mem­ ory. It can be seen readily what a fine ministry Biblical poetry has, for it deals with the highest and most valuable thoughts in the world. In the unprinted sections selected for this week’s lesson a number of examples of the varied types of poetry are set forth. Then one of them is chosen for careful study— Psalm 24, which is very dramatic and fits in well with stewardship and thanks­ giving. The Psalm ,as a Whole Psalm 24 completes a trilogy of Psalms. As Psalm 22 is the Psalm of the Suffering Shepherd and Psalm 23 the Psalm of the Risen Shepherd, so Psalm 24 is the Psalm of the Reigning Shep­ herd, a song of the King. In it the ex­ pression King of Glory occurs five times. The Hill of the Lord is also mentioned: the place of His reigning. Quite likely this Psalm was composed first to be used on the occasion of the removal of the Ark from the house of Obed-edom to the city of David on Mt. Zion (2 Sam. 6). But the writer saw in it the symbol of greater things (Morgan). The King’s Possession (vv. 1, 2) This is the fundamental note of the Psalm. The earth belongs to Christ. Rul- ership belongs to Him. Satan got con­ trol temporarily due to the entrance of sin. But Christ will regain His rightful control when He comes again in power and great glory to reign as King of kings and Lord of lords. Such passages as Colossians 1:16 and Hebrews 1:2 may be referred to in showing Christ’s part in the creation of the world. Truly He hath “founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods” (2). The King’s Associates (vv. 3-6) The character of those who will have a part with the King in His rulership

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November 21, 1948 POETRY IN THE BIBLE Psalm 24

Pointers on the Lesson There is much poetry in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament. There are five books in the Old Testament called poetical; they are largely made up of Hebrew poetry: Job, Psalms, Prov­ erbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solo­ mon. In addition to this, there is much verse scattered through the other books. The purpose of poetry is to present

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Earnings are small and a dark future lies ahead of us. Yet we trust our dear Lord who has allowed this to come upon us. We were compelled two years ago to leave our homeland, and we had to leave everything behind. Now we cannot buy any furniture or kitchen utensils except on the black mar­ ket where the prices are for us prohibitive. Please be not provoked and consider me shameless when I beg you to send us again some food and clothing. Our terrible need drives me to ask you.” Similar heart-rending appeals, come to us from all parts of Europe. How blessed it is to feed the starving, clothe the naked and console the despairing in the name of Christ. We earnestly plead for your share in this Christlike ministry on behalf of suffering Israel. $5.00 will pay for a nutritious food parcel. $10.00 will pay for a big CARE food parcel. $10.00 will support an orphan child for a month. A folder of “ News Letters from Hebrew Christians in Europe” sent on request. communications to:

Husband in the hos­ pital, daughter under­ nourished, son wounded three times, small earn­ ings, and a dark future. The case is typical. Scan this revealing picture of life for Mrs. A. E. and family as one of the many He-, brew C h r i s t i a n s to whom we regularly send f o o d p a r c e l s . She writes: “ I wept for joy and gratitude when I unpacked the can of fat

Rev. Jacob Peltz

in the big box you sent us. Next came the cheese, meat, sugar, cocoa, syrup, chocolate and the wonderful coffee. Now we can drink a cup of coffee on holy days. “ My husband is in the hospital and I am glad to have the rice for him. Our daughter is 12 years old but is very weak because of undernourishment. Our son was wounded three times in Russia and returned like a skeleton.

Address gifts and The International Hebrew Christian Alliance U.S.A. Rev. Jacob Peltz, PH.B..B.D., Secretary Canada 4919 N. Albany Ave. Dept. K 91 Bellevue Ave. Chicago 25, Illinois Toronto, Ontario

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