King's Business - 1948-10

7s it Nothing to You?" Oo you know . . . ° Tha t 6 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Jews have died in 1 5 years without Christ? ® That Palestine is about to flame with war ? • Tha t 10,000,000 Jews know not whither to Harry a . ironside

in Zion is that oi practical righteous­ ness, which is the result of faith in the Saviour. They must have “ clean hands and a pure heart” made so in the blood of the Lamb. This company will include those Israelites who have believed dur­ ing the Tribulation and also the com­ pany of Gentiles who learn righteous­ ness when the judgments of the Lord are in the earth. But it is true in any age that the way of blessing and fellowship runs by the Cross of Christ with its cleansing flow. The King’s Coronation (vv. 7-10) This section has nothing to do with the ascension of Christ, as some believe, but, rather, it pictures the King in His glorious return and entry into the earthly Zion with His visible glory. This is the goal toward which God bids all men to look-. Then will be answered the prayer, “ Thy kingdom come.” Helps for the Children Bible Songs Psalm 23, 24; 136:1-9 Memory Verse: “ O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever” (Psa. 136:1). A young woman who disliked poetry suddenly commenced to enjoy reading poems when she learned that the young man whom she planned to marry was a poet. Those who do not enjoy the poetry books in God’s Library learn to love them when they become acquainted with the Author. God used many meh to help Him write the Bible. One of the most-loved men was David, the shepherd who wrote many of the psalms or the songs in the Bible. Doubtless you have already learned the twenty-third psalm in which David compares a shepherd’s care for his sheep with God’s care for His chil­ dren. The twenty-fourth psalm tells of God’s world and of those who can stand in the presence of the King of Glory. Psalm 136 is an especially good Thanksgiving song. In this Psalm God is thanked for many of His gifts to us —for His mercy, for the things which He created, and for His wonders and His wisdom. Early Christians sang these psalms or songs rather than the type of hymns and choruses which we sing. It is good for us to memorize many of these poems of praise to God even though we may not sing them as did the early Chris­ tians. At this Thanksgiving season, is there a song in your heart unto God for His gifts—especially for His greatest Gift, the Lord Jesus? Thousands of people are thinking only of where they are going and what they are going to eat on Thanksgiving Day. God’s children will remember the Psalmist’s command, “ 0 give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.” O C T OB E R , I 9 4 8

Hyman J. Aopel- man, President ‘ U 1 U * TH E NEED IS G R E A T ! . „ „ „ V

Chairman, Board



W IL L Y O U P R A Y ?



Will you invest in souls for eternity? Write AM E R IC A N A SSOC IAT ION FO R J E W ISH EVANGEL ISM incorporated HARRY A. IRONSIDE, Chairman HYMAN J. APPELMAN, Pres. Winona Lake, Ind.

Smiling faces of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bun­ nell, newly appointed missionaries to south­ ern Arizona, and their first Union Sunday School, on the day or­ ganized at Winters- burg, Jan. 19, 1947.'

The consecrated Staff at Victory Heights Young People’s Bible Conference, Northwestern Nebraska. Five A.S.S.U. full-time Missionaries and over twenty teachers and counsellors participated. <&vli MsAbouttfyo î&ihUV’

P iped a little Slavish lad one morning in a tiny school house high on a western Pennsyl­ vania mountainside. The surprised teacher hdd not thought of the need for a Sunday School, but was deeply impressed to assume the task of teaching the W ord of God. She was amazed to find an attendance of seventy the very first Sunday. Someone called in a nearby A.S.S.U. missionary, and they decided to organize under Union auspices. Realizing the need for larger quarters, they commenced saving their funds for a building. Soon they found one to be had for a small amount in a nearby town, tore it down and moved it, the parents assisting. Today they have a beautiful country church, free and clear of all encum' brances. The inside is attractively finished in two-tone celotex blocks, and is lighted with late design fluores' cent fixtures, with new hardwood pews. A t a recent revival meeting, fifty-three accepted Christ as their Saviour, and others have continued to take their stand as Chris- tians. As many as 108 have been present on a single Sunday, while the attendance in the three fall months totaled 1,467. One young woman is at present pre' paring for full'time Christian service, and two young men have received similar calls.

The A .S .S .U . employs the largest number of missionaries of any Sunday School organi' zation in the world, selecting only men of courage, piety and tact. The scope of its work is national, and it is the only direct agency for all the neglected children of our country areas. It seeks to promote Sunday Schools, Daily Vacation Bible Schools, and Young People’s Bible Camps and Conferences, on a non' sectarian basis. Last year 369 new Sunday Schools were or' ganized ana 125 reorganized, with 1420 teachers and 11,359 scholars. Total attendance' in all Union schools was 118,244.

AMERICAN Sunday School Union

**Along the old back road,” tiny tots today still lift their hands for someone to point them along the way to Life. Ton are privileged to maintain a prayer'partnership with us in these spiritual victories. For complete information, write direct to Department of Missions, 1816'K Chestnut Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa.




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