July-August 2024


Almond Breeze ® Banana Coconut Ice Pops Prep Time: 3.5 hours Difficulty: Easy Servings: 2

Ingredients 21/3 cups Almond Breeze ®

Directions 1. Place ½ ounce (about 2-3 slices) of banana in the bottom of each ice pop mold. Pour ¼ cup of your choice of Almond Breeze ® Almondmilk over bananas. 2. Place ice pop mold on a tray in the freezer for 30-45 minutes. (This helps hold bananas in place before adding more almondmilk.) Once partially frozen, add 3-4 more banana slices and top all ice pops off with more almondmilk, leaving ¼ inch at the top to allow for expansion when freezing. 3. Freeze for 2-3 hours or overnight. Before serving, pour ½ cup Almond Breeze ® Almondmilk in a small bowl. Remove ice pops from container and dip the tip of each ice pop in the almondmilk and then coat in the coconut shavings.

Almondmilk Blended with Real Bananas or Almond

Breeze ® Unsweetened Original Almondmilk Coconutmilk blend

1¼ cups sliced or diced firm, ripe bananas ½ cup coconut flakes



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