July-August 2024

“Our studies indicate that consuming whole almonds with their skins can offer numerous health benefits,” Hemler stated. “However, we respect traditional practices and encourage people to consume almonds in whatever form they prefer. Almonds are a healthy addition to the diet whether consumed raw or peeled and soaked.” Looking Ahead The trip underscored the importance of India as a market for almonds and highlighted the Almond Board’s commitment to supporting research that benefits both consumers and the industry. “It was inspiring to meet

with top researchers in India and see their dedication to improving public health through promoting healthy diets,” Hemler remarked. “We are confident that our collaborations will enhance the understanding and appreciation of almonds in India.” As the Almond Board of California continues to invest in nutrition research and global outreach, visits like Hemler’s will play a crucial role in fostering international partnerships and promoting the health benefits of almonds worldwide.

Article contributed by the Almond Board of California

Analyzing the Impact of the “Own Your Prime” In-Store Campaign In the realm of retail, where every placement is strategic, the collaboration between the Almond Board of California (ABC) and Coach Prime, Deion Sanders, yielded notable results. Since its launch last October, the “Own Your Prime” campaign aimed to elevate almonds’ appeal to consumers, encouraging them to own their prime.

Earlier this year, ABC conducted an in-store element to the campaign, meeting consumers where they make their purchasing decisions. Nut aisles were adorned with visuals and signage dangled from the shelves. Even shopping carts featured the “Own Your Prime” partnership. The initiative aimed to catch the eye of shoppers and encourage the consideration of almonds during their grocery trips. The campaign was piloted in select markets: California, Colorado, Ohio and Michigan. Laura Morin, who oversees marketing in North America and China at ABC, said the data from the campaign revealed impressive results. “Across all those markets, when they compared the stores we were in versus the stores we were not, there was a 2.2% lift in almond dollar sales ,” she said. “That is a significant lift when a price promotion is not included.” Moreover, the data showed that in three of the markets, 42% of purchasers were new to almonds , suggesting that the campaign successfully attracted new consumers to the almond category. This aspect demonstrates the campaign’s effectiveness in expanding the almond consumer

Prime Results - The “Own Your Prime” campaign shelf-talkers (left) and shopping cart advertising (right) met consumers where they make their purchasing decisions in four states. Courtesy: Almond Board of California

base. Morin shared, “These are people whose loyalty card data had never shown almonds being purchased before. So not only are we seeing a lift in sales, but our partnership is helping us reach new users, which is hard to do.” The success of this campaign underscores the importance of targeted marketing efforts in influencing consumer choices. By leveraging partnerships and strategic placements, California almonds can effectively engage with their target audience and drive meaningful results.

Article contributed by the Almond Board of California



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