A QUICK WORKOUT Prepare Yourself for the Thanksgiving Feast
When you’re in the kitchen cooking your signature dishes for Thanksgiving dinner, you might find yourself with short periods of nothing to do. While you wait, why not fit in a quick workout? Exercising for 30 minutes will
exercises you can do in your kitchen, dining room, or living room while your feast cooks. Do each exercise as many times as you can in a minute, and just like you did in the warmup, repeat each set three times.
help ease any anxieties you may have — perhaps about getting those side dishes just right, or about your in-laws, who will soon be seated at your table. To start off, you’ll need to warm up. Keeping the oven in sight and the timer well within earshot, take a few minutes to loosen up your muscles. Jog in place, do some jumping jacks for a minute, or jump in place for 45 seconds. Warmups often consist of these basic exercises, but one set of each won’t be enough. To make sure your body is completely warmed up, repeat each set at least three times.
While in your squat stance, there are several things you can do. For 30-second intervals, put your arms out in a “T” formation and move them up and down in small pulses. Then move your arms out in front of you and return to the “T” shape. Raise your arms up over your head and clap, and then return once more to the “T” formation. Rotate your arms in backward circles, switch to forward arm circles, and finish up by holding your squat for an additional 30 seconds.
This 30-minute exercise routine is great for before, during, and after your Thanksgiving
meal prep. You don’t have to wait around all day for things to finish up — occupy your downtime with short exercises to keep your heart pumping.
After you’ve warmed up, it’s time to start the workout. Squat jumps, ski jumps, pushups, plank crawls, and holding a squat stance are easy
Vaporized Marijuana Recently, Pennsylvania legalized another formof medical marijuana. The Commonwealth has expanded the available forms of this drug treatment to include dry leaf, which was already available in New Jersey. As in Pennsylvania, New Jersey limits eligible persons to individuals with qualifying illnesses, but like Pennsylvania, this list isn’t exhaustive. The Pennsylvania Department of Health will consider an ailment outside of the list if it meets the characteristics of sicknesses associated with other illnesses on the list. Keep In Mind While Pennsylvania has legalized dry-leaf marijuana, this doesn’t mean that eligible users can now smoke it. Unlike New Jersey, smoking dry-leaf marijuana remains illegal. Users who wish to consume dry-leaf marijuana in the Commonwealthmust do so in vaporized form (vape). Vape Pens and Teenagers Most of my readers have probably seen individuals using vape pens on the street, and it’s important to keep inmind that these electronic cigarettes or“vape pens”are as regulated as traditional cigarettes. Federal law prohibits the sale of vape pens to persons under the age of 18, but many teenagers purchase these devices online from companies who deliver the product to the home. Dangerous Dosage of THC The active compound inmarijuana, which is responsible for creating the“high,”is Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Vapingmarijuana will deliver amuchmore potent formof THC, andmost users don’t realize the intensified side effects and the increased risk for addiction through vaping. Unlike traditional cigarettes, vape pens are odorless, and it’s nearly impossible to distinguish between a vape pen containing nicotine and one containingTHC. A New Form of Medical Marijuana
5 WAYS TO FIGHT & WIN YOUR PENNSYLVANIA DUI CASE 2nd Edition - Revised and Expanded
ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW Alfonso Gambone To watch more than 40 instructional videos or download your free e-book, please visit our website www.GamboneLaw.com
For more information onmedical marijuana in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Gambone & Associates encourages you to keep up with our blog.
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