2B — October 24 - November 13, 2014 — Owners, Developers & Managers — M id A tlantic
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O wners , D evelopers & M anagers By Glenn Ebersole, Hollenbach Construction, Inc. 20 tips on how to initiate and inspire innovation in business T is that they really are not sure just where to start. So, with that in mind, here is my list of 20 tips on how to inspire and initiate innovation in business. he word innovation appears frequently in advertisements,
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tions really make innovation a top priority? And how many of them are truly good at innovation? One AMA/HRI study found that although most organizations say that innovation is a top priority, few companies are actually good at it. Have you been asked and tasked to innovate within your company or organization? Are you having difficulty getting started and achieving results? I suspect that many readers of this article have experienced or witnessed that one of the biggest issues with innovation
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pos i t i oning statements, b r a n d i n g , m a r k e t - ing, mission s tatement s and is used by architec- tural, engi- neering and
1: Develop a clearly defined and focused vision for innova- tion within your business. 2: Develop a set of measur- able goals that will clearly define what you want and need to get out of innovation. 3: Develop a system for tracking and managing in- novation. 4: Develop and implement a forum for sharing. Promote the open exchange of ideas and collaboration among your co- workers and team members. The forum could be face-to-face meetings or doing so online with message boards or blogs. 5: Engage the powerful tech- nique of brainstorming. The power of brainstorming en- ables you to address a business challenge, issue or opportunity and is effective because it sets no boundaries and allows peo- ple to say whatever they want. 6: Consider establishing an Innovation Teamwhose prior- ity is ensuring that innovation is a priority and that there is a clearly defined and focused effort to achieve innovation in your business. 7: Research what others, outside your organization, do to initiate & inspire innova- tion. Set a goal to identify 3 or 4 organizations that are very innovative and then request visits to those companies to gain new perspectives on in- novation. 8: Commit to personally do- ing something different from your ordinary routine. For ex- ample: try a new coffee house for your morning coffee; take a different route to work; try a new menu item; or anything that you would not typically do on a daily basis. 9: Find a business coach or mentor and learn something from them. 10: Develop a proactive ap- proach to generating new ideas. Create a list of ques- tions/challenges you can pose to your team. This will en- able you to make innovation specific and proactive and consequently have it achieve more Top of Mind Awareness (TOMA) and yield more stra- tegically relevant ideas. 11: Create some momentum for innovation in your business continued on page 14B
Glenn Ebersole
Keystone Villa at Fleetwood
high-tech firms, as well as most businesses and organiza- tions in some fashion or form. But the question is how many of those firms and organiza-
166 Holly Rd. P.O. Box 507 Boyertown, PA 19512 Phone: 610-367-4200 Fax: 610-367-1020 email: gebersole@hollenbach.com www.hollenbach.com
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