
13B — October 24 - November 13, 2014 — Green Buildings — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


G reen B uildings 800 tons of carbondioxide emissions annually reduced AdvancedSolarProductsbuilds solar array for Bausch + Lomb F lemington, NJ — Advanced Solar Products (ASP) of

Flemington, NJ has an- nounced construction of a solar array to provide electri- cal power for the Bausch + Lomb facility in Rochester, NY which will manufacture an entirely new line of con- tact lens. The array will be constructed using 3,667 solar panels and will reduce the facility's carbon footprint by approximately 800 tons of car- bon dioxide emissions annu- ally, the equivalent of taking about 100 gasoline-powered cars off the road. Advanced Solar Products, one of the top solar contrac- tors in the United States, partnered with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, which provided support for this solar project through Gov- ernor Andrew M. Cuomo’s $1 billion NY-Sun initiative. NY- Sun is advancing the scale-up of solar and moving the State closer to a sustainable, self- sufficient solar industry. "Our Rochester facility will help keep more than 1,000 good- paying, high-skilled jobs here in Rochester and

B+L PV System

not overseas," said J. Michael Pearson, chairman and chief executive officer of Valeant Pharmaceuticals Internation- al, Inc., the parent company of Bausch + Lomb. The manufacturing facil- ity with related office and parking, occupies approxi- mately 56 acres. The 1,100 kW ground-mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) system, located on approximately 3.6 acres at the northeast corner of the site, will produce 1,385,000 kWh of electric- ity per year, enough to power about 175 homes. Individual

panels, each approximately six feet by three feet, are mounted at a 25-degree angle in portrait format to a maxi- mum height of nine feet. With an AC combiner panel and transformer mounted on a concrete pad, the 33 string inverters will convert DC to AC electricity. “We are thrilled to be a part of this exciting new project that will help reduce Bausch + Lomb’s operating costs and carbon footprint,” says Lyle Rawlings, a solar pioneer and President of ASP, which was founded in 1991. n


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