Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Executive Women in Business — October 24 - November 13, 2014 — 11C
Executive Women in Business
Michel Glower, President, Global Real Estate Advising and Consulting To succeed in real estate, you must have a quick mind and be able to think outside the box
regulators and practitioners changing right along with our environment. I serve on the In- ternational Relations Commit- tee of the Appraisal Institute at the National level, on the Coalition of Pennsylvania Real Estate Appraisers at the state level, and I will be the 2015 president for the Northeastern PAAppraisal Institute chapter at the local level. This is an exciting and challenging time for the valuation industry, as technology makes it possible to reinvent the entire valuation process -- addingmore value for our clients, and more satisfac- tion for our team members. How do you manage the work/life balance?
I am very lucky because I en- joy my work immensely, mov- ing “work” over to the “life” side of the equation. My kids are grown, my spouse is involved in a start-up of his own, so this is the time I can immerse myself in my love of real estate and build the new business. Who or what has been the strongest influence on your career? My father has beenmy great- est inspiration. He was a nucle- ar physicist early in his career and became a university pro- fessor and, later, a university administrator. He has always had the ability to make the room a few degrees calmer and continued on page 16C
table project, deal or trans- action in 2014? My most notable assignment was (of course!) the first assign- ment we got when we opened the doors of Global Real Es- tate Advising and Consulting in June of this year. It was a simple market rent study, but very special because it was our first. There is nothing like the thrill of building something from scratch. How do you contribute to your company and/or the industry? In a regulated profession like valuation, it is very important to be active in the industry. As the world changes, we have to do what we can to keep the
Michel Glower, President Global Real Estate Advising and Consulting, LLC Years with company: Zero -- we’re a start-up! Years in field/ RE industry: 5+/20+ Real estate organizations/affiliations: Appraisal Institute (MAI), CREW Le- high Valley, USGBC (LEED-AP O+M), National Association of Realtors
ell us how and when you began your ca- reer in the profes- sion you are in, about your current position and why you choose the field/profes- sion you are in today? When I was four, my parents designed and built a house in New Mexico. We visited the house regularly as it went up (you can walk through walls!!), and I have never stopped mar- veling at the construction pro- cess. I majored in real estate in college, and went on to get a doctorate and teach real estate. Along the way, I have remod- eled houses, sold real estate, programmed banking comput- ers, been a cost accountant (construction costs, of course), and worked as a policy analyst supporting housing industry lobbyists. I taught for several years as a Professor of Practice in Lehigh University’s real es- tate minor program, where we invited practitioners to advise the students on their senior valuation projects. Valuation is a fascinating profession that requires a knowledge of devel- opment, investment analysis, and brokerage. In academia, we focus on investment value of institutional-grade real es- tate, so it was a revelation to see how analysis is done in the “real world.” I decided I would be a better teacher if I took the time to learn valuation. I left Lehigh and earned a general appraiser certification and an MAI designation. W hat was your greatest professional accomplish- ment in 2014? In 2014 I opened a new busi- ness in the Lehigh Valley providing valuation, market analysis, and consulting ser- vices. We specialize in impecca- bly researched and supported analysis that can stand up to litigation. Our appraisers and staff work in teams, which ex- pedites the appraisal process, and makes the work more T
enjoyable, too. As we add staff, we will each be able to special- ize in parts of the analysis, so everyone will be working to their strengths, and doing the work they love. What was your most no-
We are very proud to be opening our Lehigh Valley office
Our skilled appraisers have over 30 Years of commercial real estate and valuation experience. We service Eastern and Central Pennsylvania, with concentrations in the Lehigh Valley, the Philadelphia Metro Area, and Scranton/Wilkes-Barre. The company staff have advanced academic degrees, designations, and are active in the commercial real estate community. Our clients include attorneys, local governments, school districts, federal government agencies, financial institutions, publicly held firms, health care providers, and a variety of private individuals.
6959 Lehigh Court, Allentown PA | 18106 | 610-841-9922 | mglower@greac-llc.com
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