Leadership in Action - US English - 202204

Building a Brighter Future Meghan & Adrian Dirk Senior Directors 8 Alberta

Enrolled March 2020 Before enrolling with Melaleuca, life seemed to be going just as Meghan and Adrian Dirk had planned when they started dating in high school. Adrian earned enough working in the oil and gas industry to provide the necessities for their family. Meghan could be home to raise their children. And they could afford little extras for their family after Meghan opened an in-home brow business. But then a turn in the economy upset their sense of security. Meghan’s brow business suddenly slowed, and the bonuses Adrian was used to earning in addition to his salary disappeared. As the Dirks braced for a financial disaster, they began cutting back on expenses wherever they could, even applying to defer their mortgage payments for six months.

daughters in dance lessons, and helping their teenage son go on a school trip to Quebec.

That’s when Meghan decided to reach out to her best friend about buying more affordable wellness products. Three days after getting her EcoSense ® Safer for Your Home Pack , Meghan couldn’t help but share what she had discovered with others. “I didn’t really know what I was doing,” Meghan remembers. “I was just going for it—sharing products, enrolling customers, and helping others. And it felt so good!” Meghan’s first Melaleuca check was just enough to keep their family afloat amid all the uncertainty. Today, with Meghan’s growing Melaleuca income and Adrian’s employer now recovering, the Dirks are able to better provide for their family. They have focused on things that are meaningful—like finishing some needed renovations to their home, putting their

“I love sharing Melaleuca with others because I know what it’s done for me.”

“I love sharing Melaleuca with others because I know what it’s done for me,” Meghan says. “A friend of mine is going through some hard things. Every month when she gets her Melaleuca check, she tells me, ‘If it weren’t for you, I don’t know where I’d be.’ She reminded me that you don’t know what Melaleuca will do for someone, like it has done for us. Because of Melaleuca, we feel at peace. Because of Melaleuca, our future is bright.”

A Lost Job and Newfound Hope Harold Bosch & Agnes Ramirez Senior Directors 6 Puerto Rico

Enrolled June 1993 One summer day in 1993, Harold Bosch came home with bad news: he’d just lost his job. As he walked in the door he found his wife, Agnes, listening to a Melaleuca Overview. She was thrilled about the idea of using safer products and earning an additional income. After discussing it with Harold, Agnes enrolled their family with Melaleuca to try the products and give the business a chance. She advanced to Director status in only two weeks. Throughout the years, her business grew little by little until it became a valuable income source for her family. “Our Melaleuca income helped us provide a good education for our four children,” Agnes says. “It helped us maintain a healthy lifestyle and gave us the means to

help our children reach their goals.” Soon after Agnes enrolled, Harold found another job in marketing and sales, and he later started his own industrial equipment business. But Melaleuca was always there to provide substantial financial support for the family. Finally, in 2005 Harold was able to dedicate all his time to building with Agnes. “We determined that building a Melaleuca business together was the best choice,” he says. “We saw that our Melaleuca business was a means to creating true residual income. It was something that could support, prepare, and propel us in the coming years.” When they think about all that Melaleuca has given them during the last 29 years, Agnes and Harold feel deeply grateful. And

their joy multiplies when they consider the lives they’ve changed along the way.

“The things we enjoy the most are the flexibility Melaleuca gives us,” Harold says, “the lifestyle we can have, and the time we can share with our family and with each other.” “For us, Melaleuca means health and wellness in all areas,” Agnes adds. “But the happiness of seeing others reach their goals is something you don’t find in other places. It feels so incredibly good when someone in our team gets ahead.” “It feels so incredibly good when someone in our team gets ahead.”


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