Leadership in Action - US English - 202204

So Much More Than Average Jefferson & Tre Green Corporate Directors 4 Georgia

Enrolled June 2017 When Executive Director 9 Klinton Keller reached out to Jefferson Green in June 2017, Jefferson was ready. Once he saw Melaleuca’s Annual Income Statistics, he was all in. He was ready to engage a lifetime of experience to build his own Melaleuca business with passion and drive. He was poised to accomplish the extraordinary! By May 2018, thousands of Members had enrolled through Jefferson’s efforts and helped him advance to Corporate Director 2—a feat very fewmake the effort to achieve, even after decades of hard work. Today, Jefferson and his organization have helped more than 10,000 Members experience the life-enhancing products of Melaleuca. And his personal enrollees have collectively earned over $7 million. Though Jefferson has been receiving checks from Melaleuca for the past 55 months, it’s the check he earned in his second month that sticks in his mind most. “I had opened a separate bank account just for my Melaleuca earnings,” Jefferson explains. “After seeing that check come in, I bought a $2 cup of coffee—and my debit

card went through. Then I went to the bank and withdrew $20 from the ATM. Then I walked inside the bank and withdrew more. That’s when I said, ‘This is real!’ I went back to my car and cried. I had no reference point to feel like that was a normal event in my life. I knew at that point that my life was changing forever.” Today, Jefferson is most grateful that, in 2020, his Melaleuca business gave him the flexibility to meet and date his wife, Tre, while he lived in Georgia and she lived inMaryland. “I didn’t really know what his career was,” Tre recalls. “He was always in Maryland visiting me! When he finally shared what he did for a living with Melaleuca, the flexibility he enjoyed resonated with me most. I love that he owned his time.” Tre has worked in the beauty industry for more than 20 years as a salon owner, platform artist, and educator. She loves helping others look and feel amazing—so naturally, she shares Sei Bella products with others. Now she and Jefferson have set their sights on eventually becoming Presidential Directors.

“We are grateful for all the Marketing Executives who came before us and made tremendous sacrifices along the way,” Jefferson says. “We really feel like we are here today because we are fortunate enough to stand on the shoulders of so many giants who paved the way. We fully embrace our ongoing responsibility to enhance the lives of others and help them reach their goals.” “We really feel like we are here today because we are fortunate enough to stand on the shoulders of so many giants who paved the way.”

Building a Melaleuca business takes hard work and consistency. Over time, your residual income can grow! See the average earnings of Marketing Executives in the Melaleuca 2020 Annual Income Statistics on page 58.


These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.

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