Leadership in Action - US English - 202204



Success—It’s a Choice!

The last 36 years have been exciting and full of great experiences and discoveries. I am grateful for how many great leaders have joined us in our mission of enhancing lives by helping people reach their goals. We have made so many great friends and learned so much about life, about success, and about overcoming obstacles. Probably the most profound thing that I have learned is how different each individual is from another and how each person responds differently to any given situation than the next. Some people only dream about success, yet others act to create it. Some get discouraged easily; others seem to meet the same obstacles or the same failures with greater resolve. Some will consistently see the glass half empty. Others you can depend on to see it half full and to also always find something positive about every situation. These responses to life’s situations are not an individual’s predestined fate but are almost always the result of how an individual chooses to respond. And yet almost every individual usually chooses to consistently respond in an almost predictable manner.

taking personal responsibility, faith in oneself, a positive attitude, hope, love for others, specific goals, and a passion to achieve them. These are consistently the traits of those who experience success. Those who choose to exercise these traits seem to always come out on top.

Persistence, hard work, never giving up, the ability to stay focused, taking personal responsibility, faith in oneself, a positive attitude, hope, love for others, specific goals, and a passion to achieve them.”

On the other hand, those who lack focus, lack purpose, lack passion, give up quickly, become easily discouraged, always find something wrong, blame others, lack work ethic, and lack

It is also evident that the principles of success are universal: persistence, hard work, never giving up, the ability to stay focused,


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