Leadership in Action - US English - 202204


Joshua & Sarah Rankin FLORIDA

What Do You Want?

lot of things. It was a yes to paying down debt. It was a yes to establishing a retirement plan. And it was a yes to more time together as a family.” For over a decade, the Rankins were in survival mode. “Before Melaleuca, we were building on quicksand,” Sarah says. “Every time we got a wall up, another wall was falling. But at Melaleuca, our business is not going to fall.” Because of their solid foundation with Melaleuca, Sarah and Joshua are no longer asking what they need to do. Instead, they’re asking a new question: What do we want to do? Their answer? Updating the dream they shared in their twenties of living a glamorous, fast-paced life in the city for longer- term goals that are much quieter: paying off their mortgage, eliminating medical debt, and saving up for a plot of land where they can become a self-sustainable family. “We revolve around our home,” Sarah says. “I work at home. Joshua works at home. We’re homeschooling. So our goal is to create a safe place where our family can run, stretch, play, and grow. We want to grow our own food, and Joshua wants to raise some animals. We want to teach our kids the value of hard work and seeing fruits of your labor.” And what’s more Melaleuca than that?

As the 2022 company-sponsored Fast Track comes to a close this month, Sarah and Joshua Rankin couldn’t be more thrilled with the progress and momentum their team has built. And they know things are only going to get better once their team experiences an in-person Convention for the first time this May! “You just don’t know Melaleuca until you attend your first in-person event,” Sarah says. “It’s like getting a breath of fresh air. I can't wait to see my friends make their own emotional connection to Melaleuca and really set their hearts on fire with our mission.” Sarah is anxious to help her team further solidify their confidence in Melaleuca as they continue attending more events. She hopes the events will help them see all the possibilities when they say yes to building a business. “I wasn't interested in the business at first,” Sarah says. “But I could say yes to ordering better laundry soap. And then we realized that MelaPower ® is some outstanding laundry detergent! Everything just kept being so great that we had to start sharing. So that one yes to a single laundry product became a yes to a

$35,491 74




These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.

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