Leadership in Action - US English - 202204


David Rodriguez TEXAS

Play to Your Strengths

passionate about supplements, health and wellness, and nontoxic products.” David is excellent at Critical Activity 1: Build Your Contact List. He sees it as the fuel for a thriving business. By teaming up with his sister, Executive Director Tresha Rodriguez, and his girlfriend, Senior Director 4 Kristine Elezaj, David knew that if he could find ways to leverage his existing contact list to gain even more connections, then he could regularly set quality appointments. His instincts were correct, and today he has a thriving business. “It’s been a lot of teamwork, and we work really well together,” David says. “I’m proud of everybody.” David has found that customers are looking for a new type of store, and Melaleuca’s US manufacturing is a huge bonus. “People don’t want to be buying from China. They don’t want to be buying from the big-box stores. So that has been a critical selling point.” David finds that the Home Conversion Pack is the perfect way for new customers to start their shopping experience with Melaleuca. “That’s a great way to start off,” he says. “We recommend it for everyone so they can discover new products while converting their homes to Melaleuca.” And the feedback has been great. “Customers really like the products, and they like that they’re nontoxic,” David says. “I’m very proud to be a part of this company.”

At first glance, Executive Director 4 David Rodriguez might not seem like the typical Melaleuca Marketing Executive. David is a retired heavyweight champion boxer who was ranked fifth in the world, and at his peak he had more first-round knockouts than Mike Tyson. “My previous career allowed me to make a lot of contacts that have helped me start my business,” David says. Within moments of meeting him, you’ll realize that David is hard to typecast. For starters, he’s uncommonly charismatic. After retirement, he wisely took the audience he built from his boxing career and spun it in new directions. You might see David on national TV as a commentator for boxing matches or speaking to school-age kids about the problems of bullying. He’s even written a successful book and launched a popular podcasting business. As an elite athlete, David has a lifelong interest in fitness. When he was first introduced to Melaleuca, he saw products that were a great match for his interests. “I looked at it and I thought, Man, this is right in my wheelhouse!” David says, “I’ve always been

$35,444 1,647




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