Leadership in Action - US English - 202204


Shawn & Jessie Williams TEXAS

Keeping It Real

no matter who they are, where they come from, or what their personality is like, they can achieve their goals too. “Don’t try to be me and don’t try to be anyone else on your team,” he says. “We all have our own tribe, and if you keep putting yourself out there in a way that feels authentic to you, your tribe will grow organically. I’d love to be able to connect with every personality type out there, but I simply can’t. Don’t let anyone get you down when they tell you no .” “No!” Shawn got very comfortable hearing that word when he worked in direct sales for construction companies, knocking on doors to offer homeowners gutter repairs, roofing services, or new windows. “Oh man,” he laughs. “I’m not afraid of no at all, because sometimes it takes 98 of those in order for one person to say, ‘You know what, I think I do need a new roof.’” He strives to instill this same sense of resilience and optimism into his team during their weekly video calls. “I never get stuck on what my paycheck is or isn’t for the month,” he says. “That’s too narrow a mindset. I focus on how Melaleuca’s products and the business opportunity can change lives.”

“Be yourself.” This is the one piece of advice Executive Director 4 Shawn Williams says is absolutely essential for any Melaleuca business builder. “It comes down to authenticity,” he explains. “People can tell when you’re being genuine, and this business is all about making real connections.” Shawn’s genuine love of helping others allows him to excel at Melaleuca. “To me, there’s nothing more rewarding than helping others achieve their goals,” he says. “That’s what I thrive on.” A year ago, a woman in his organization was struggling to make ends meet after being laid off. Shawn and another teammate rallied around her to help her over the finish line with three more enrollments—bringing her up to eight total—on the very last day of the month. It’s stories like these that motivate Shawn to continue growing his Melaleuca business. Beyond advancing through the Executive Director statuses, beyond achieving National Director, he hopes to reach as many individuals as possible and show them that

$25,714 75




These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.

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