Leadership in Action - US English - 202204

Wellness Is the Message Our panel of agricultural producers agree—if you’re not sharing Melaleuca’s wellness products with the farmers you may know (or need to get to know), you’re sharing Melaleuca wrong! Farmers already have a deep respect for nature and understand the value of plant-based ingredients. Melaleuca supplements can help themmeet the heavy physical demands of their jobs. And they’re too busy to spend a lot of time at the store, so online shopping is essential! When John shares Melaleuca, he emphasizes that the products are safe, are free from toxic chemicals, and help you be proactive about your health. “I work with a lot of organic farmers,” he explains. “They believe in protecting the environment and using less farm chemicals and toxins. Melaleuca products fit right in with the ideals they already hold.” Marlo and Maria both spend a lot of time helping farmers see howMelaleuca products give them the strength and good health they need to do their jobs. “Farmers need stamina,” Marlo says. “They are busy people, and busy people get stuff done. But they must feel good to get stuff done. Sharing the health benefits from the Peak Performance Pack has been huge for our business.”* “I believe Melaleuca products really help farmers with energy,” Maria agrees. “They have long days working from early morning till dark, especially in the summertime. The products help improve their energy and health.” Maria also recommends talking about Melaleuca’s cleaning and laundry products. Everyone in agriculture spends a lot of time getting dirty! “I love MelaPower ®,” Maria says. “The men get so dirty, especially when they are doing mechanical work. With Melaleuca

that you can pull from on bad years definitely makes a difference.” “There were years that our crop didn’t do well,” Maria recalls. “But we could always depend on Melaleuca checks to help us cover basic expenses. It’s been really good for us!” “The biggest problem with farming is that you only get paid once a year when you sell your crop,” John adds. “You’re usually waiting six to nine months before you can market what you’ve grown. You can farm all year and do the best possible job but still come up short because of the weather, marketing conditions, or disease. Having a monthly check from Melaleuca helps stabilize everything. For me, that’s peace of mind.” Lessen the Impact of Inflation Like many families, one of the biggest economic forces facing farmers right now is inflation. Marlo and Jim have recently seen prices of basic farm supplies double and even triple in price. By sharing Melaleuca, they’ve been able to help many farming families develop a second stream of income that helps soften the blow of increasing costs. “With the cost of inputs, fertilizer, and taxes continuing to rise, farmers are looking for alternatives to create additional income now more than ever,” Jim explains. “Melaleuca fits right in. The values of the company, the leadership, Frank VanderSloot’s story—it all hits home for a lot of farm families.” “Many farmers don’t have a lot of resources to pull from,” Marlo adds. “A lot of them are refinancing and taking out loans to cover the cost of inflation. Talk to them about having an additional stream of supplemental income. They are just average families feeling the

products, all the oil, dust, and dirt gets cleaned every time!”

Centered in a Sense of Community

Jim knows firsthand how farmers are committed community members and always have each other’s backs. That’s why the teamwork and community aspects of building a Melaleuca business resonate so strongly with those he talks to. “Farming is teamwork,” Jim says. “You can’t do it alone. Any farmer knows that it takes a crew, the right tools, and hard work to get the job done. It’s the same with building a Melaleuca business.” Unafraid to Do the Work There’s no question that building a Melaleuca business takes a lot of work and consistent efforts. Farmers aren’t afraid of that! “Don’t be shy when talking about the business,” Marlo says, “because farmers are not shy about doing hard work. They aren’t afraid to work and wait for the fruits of their labors to come.” “Take the time to build a relationship with someone in the industry,” Jim adds. “They are looking for exactly what we have. They just don’t know it exists. Show them how to save money and time and have additional financial resources. Farmers are not afraid to take risks. You shouldn’t be either.” Supplement the Unpredictable A farmer’s income is about as unpredictable as the weather. Building a Melaleuca business is the perfect way to weather the storms! “Just imagine the stress that a farmer has as they are keeping their fingers crossed, hoping to have a good crop,” Marlo says. “When you’re depending on nature, having a residual income


These results are not typical. Consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.

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