Leadership in Action - US English - 202204


APPROACHES Not sure how to approach the farmers on your contact list? Try some of these ideas below! Marlo’s Go-To Approach: “Are you shopping online? I thought about you and figured you probably do. We switched over to a US-based online shopping club a few years ago for our everyday essentials. The products are incredible. Shopping here has been saving us so much time and money. I think you’re going to like it too! Do you have a minute so I can tell you more about it?” Jim’s Go-To Approach: “I need to share a store with you. Five years ago we switched stores and now do all of our shopping from a US-based online store. I think you would like it too, and that’s why I’m reaching out. I know you and your family like save time and money. Can my wife reach out and share more if you’re interested?” Maria’s Go-To Approach: “I found something that has really helped me with my overall health. We are part of a company that has very good, healthy products. We’d like to share it with you! Why don’t you come over this evening? We’ll talk about it and show you what we have, and you can try products yourself.” John’s Go-To Approach: “For me, no matter how good of a farmer I try to be, there are forces in the marketplace and weather I can’t control. I’ve found something that makes complete sense to handle that problem. Can we talk about it for 45 minutes?”

effect of inflation—not only on the farm but at the grocery store too.”

Start the Conversation Today! There’s no doubt about it—being a Melaleuca Member can be extremely valuable to those who work the land for a living. If you’re still feeling apprehensive, here are some examples of how our Marketing Executive panel starts the conversation. “People in farming are always busy,” Marlo says. “There’s always something to do on the farm. You may want to offer to catch up later. But they also value someone who is direct. Tell them what you’re reaching out about and why you thought of them.” Maria andWilhelm like to involve the whole family when they share Melaleuca with the other farmers they know. Especially during winter, they spend their evenings inviting friends into their home to hear a Melaleuca Overview—sometimes having as many as five families over at once! Everyone gets a Melaleuca snack, and there are a variety of other Melaleuca products available to smell, touch, and try too. “In our experience, we get more enrollments when we can show Melaleuca to husbands and wives together,” Maria says. “Once they know how everything works and understand that they aren’t spending new money but just switching to a different store, that the products are 100% guaranteed, and that those products are better for your health, they naturally want to enroll. After one of our gatherings, a woman came up to me and said, ‘I never knew we would have so much fun! Otherwise I would have been here long before!’”

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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