Leadership in Action - US English - 202204


Presenting the top eight Senior Director businesses with the highest contribution index and a Monthly Retention Index (MRI) of 50% or more. The contribution index is the product of the net increase in their organizational Members during the prior 60 days (roll-ups not included), multiplied by the number of each Senior Director’s personally enrolled Directors, plus the number of their personally enrolled Members. Membership in this elite group is reviewed monthly. In order to be recognized as a member of this group, leaders must submit a picture at Melaleuca.com/MyAccount/PhotoUpload.






Alex & Tyler Hage Senior Directors 7, CA

Iliss & Jerry Brown Senior Directors 9, FL

Shanna & Evan Kelty Senior Directors 7, OR

Rebecca & Jesse Moore Senior Directors 9, MT





Andrew Mckenzie & Alyson Chappelle Senior Directors 6, ON

Guy & Revi Arad Senior Directors 7, BC

Tina & Jay White Senior Directors 8, KS

Breeana Bradley & Anthony Gallegos Senior Directors 9, NM

Iliss & Jerry Brown


cleaning products that are healthy,” she says, “because, I have allergic reactions to a lot of cleaning products, like chlorine bleach.” When discussing their accomplishments, Jerry humbly shares credit. “A lot of our success is attributed to the great men and women on our team.” And the Browns have a lot of wisdom to share as leaders. “Business is all about the process,” Jerry says. “It’s a journey, and you have to develop your skills in the meantime. And that’s really where the fun is anyway— working and developing your skills. You get better as you aim to serve others.”

and resonated with what he was doing. We liked his style. So I reached out to him.” Seville Ko took time to explain the revenue sharing aspect of Melaleuca and even helped introduce the Browns to Presidential Director Jeff Miller. Jerry and Iliss liked the team and soon started building a business. Jerry is a fan of Melaleuca supplements. “Today, people are knowledgeable,” he notes. “They know they need to be providing their bodies with nutrients. And we’re not getting that from our food as much as we used to.” Iliss is a fan of the EcoSense ® cleaners. “I really appreciate the fact that Melaleuca has taken the time to develop household

Like many American families, Senior Directors 9 Iliss and Jerry Brown were frustrated by the turbulent economy of the past few years. “Our business was taking a hit,” Jerry explains, “and I thought we needed to pivot and diversify our income. What could we do?” They had been Melaleuca shoppers years before and loved the products. Then Jerry came across a back issue of Leadership in Action magazine and started reading up. “Our Melaleuca story is kind of unique,” Jerry says. “Most people are approached. Instead, we approached someone. We came across National Director 9 Seville Ko’s story


These results are not typical. Please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.

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