Leadership in Action - US English - 202204

that she was right and that, as Brooke said earlier that day, Melaleuca’s foundation is indeed ironclad.

Fortunately, after some correction from Frank VanderSloot, Rafael changed his perspective and began building in the right way by leading with the products. He quickly began seeing success, and that success has endured for more than a decade because it has been built on substance, not hype. SOLID PRINCIPLES Among other topics, National Director 9 Brooke Paulin talked about building a Melaleuca business to last a lifetime, which can be done only by building on solid principles and keeping your perspective long term. “I didn’t quit, and I didn’t take shortcuts,” she said. She assured the attendees that hard work is key to building a strong foundation and that Melaleuca, as a company, a family, and a home, is no exception to that rule. “The foundation of Melaleuca is ironclad, and in 14 years, Melaleuca has never let me down.” National Director 5 Makenzie Schultz gave similar assurances and echoed Frank VanderSloot’s counsel to focus on the Mission Statement. For a time, she struggled to build the solid foundation that her Melaleuca business so desperately needed, but once she really started focusing on enhancing lives and on consistently engaging in the Seven Critical Business- Building Activities, things started to turn around. And her presence on that stage was absolute proof

THE LONG VIEW If you’re looking to grow your business like never before, if you’re looking for inspiration—not just motivation—and if you’re wanting to connect with other business builders who are also looking for those same things, then qualify for Road to Executive Director! Come to be celebrated and to celebrate the success of others, but more important, come to learn and build. Vice President of Global Marketing and Strategic Initiatives Hank Toone said it simply and firmly: “At Melaleuca, we take the long view.” There are hundreds of reasons why every Marketing Executive should set a goal to reach Senior Director status. One of those is the opportunity to attend Road to Executive Director. Only here will you gain the perspective and principles new Senior Directors need to expand their businesses and enhance lives like never before. Whatever your status today, take the long view! With determination, hard work, and sustained effort, your turn at this exclusive event may be sooner than you imagine!


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