Leadership in Action - US English - 202204

Ways Convention Will Change You


From Melaleuca Senior Vice President of Sales Darrin Johnson, here are eight time-tested ways Convention 2022 will change you forever.

@darrinToGo @darrinjohnson1

The last time we gathered for an in-person Convention in Salt Lake City was in 2019! Can you believe it? A lot has changed in the past three years. How we work. How we play. How we build relationships. How we live and interact in this world. But there’s one constant that remains true: attending Convention has the power to change your life! It will be just three short days, but the impact of Convention 2022 will be felt for months, even years, afterward. How do we know? Because, as with past Conventions, thousands of ordinary people will discover Melaleuca’s unique, rich culture of enhancing lives. They’ll find the knowledge, instruction, and support they need to build businesses to last a lifetime.

And there’s no better way to discover the power of Melaleuca than rubbing shoulders—in person—with Melaleuca’s Management Team and high-achieving Marketing Executives from all over North America. Just walk through the doors and you’ll feel the electrifying energy of thousands gathered together for a common, noble purpose. But to get the most from these three power-packed days in Salt Lake City, Utah—and to return home capable and ready to fill your own business with that energy—you need to enter the Convention hall properly prepared.


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