King's Business - 1919-12

1088 THE K I N G ’ S BU S I N E S S home is th e solid g ran ite on which alone th e temple of civilization can stand. Given enough domestic indecencies and divorces andi civilization would die. P rin t it, preach it, sing it and say it in a thousand ways— th e hum an home is th e creato r of all rea l civilization. I t is th e conservator of civilization. If th e principles of real p atrio tism are to be passed on to posterity they m ust be passed on th rough th e home of man. The home is th e spring hoard from which th e feet of civilization m ust leap into our w idening world. We m ust a t any price keep inviolate th e h e a rt of th e hum an home, if civilization is to be perpetuated. If they are used for hum an weal it is good to build railroads, canals, bridges, skyscrapers, and many ano th er tow ering wonder, bu t th e home-builder is the fundam ental arch itect of civilization. So le t all th e forces of civilization p u t th e b rak es on th e home-breakers. L et every civil in stitu tion— th e home, th e school, the church, the court, th e free press and th e fre e assembly-—hold up th e hands of th e home-builder. We must p u t th e home-builder more and more into, our modern society, our services and our songs.” Here is an appeal,—strong, sturdy, sensible and well worthy of our reading and re-reading and applying to ourselves as Christian people. If the home is the “ heart of civilization” then every Christian father and mother must take this to heart and put a new emphasis upon the necessity of loving their children enough, loving the Church enough, loving their country enough, and above all, loving their Lord enough, to make the home what God intended it to be. Of what use to say to children, “ Honor thy father and mother,” if the father and mother do not so live in the home as to merit the injunction? Hundreds of fathers and mothers have cried unto God, with broken hearts, in behalf of sons and daughters, when they themselves were responsible for their waywardness. “ Train up a child in the way he should go.” Train them up in the fear and nurture of the Lord. Bead the Bible to them and with them. Pray for and with them. Keep the home fires burning with loving devotion to the Lord. Make the home a Christian home; not the so-called “ Puritan” home, nor the “ Pharisee” home,—but a real Christian home. Put the emphasis with your children upon the Word of God,—the un­ failing Word of God. Make it real. Make it interesting. That is your business. If you fail in this you are unfit to have children. If you have erred in this, confess your sin and cry unto the Lord for wisdom and help. Confess it also to your children and commence now to erect an altar in the home. Take time to pray. Take time to read the Word. Take time to talk to them. Take pains do put into their hands facts about the conditions con­ fronting them. Don’t leave your children in the hands of some Sunday'School teacher, or even some preacher. It is your business,—your solemn and sacred busi­ ness—and God will hold you accountable. Every child is a sacred trust. How do you consider yours?—T. C. H. SIGNS In the Heavens Kepler, the great astronomer, on consulting the periods of conjunc­ tions between certain planets, declared that such conjunctions astronomi­ cally coincided with the approach of each climacteric in human affairs. Such conjunctions of planets are said to have occurred at the revelation ta Adam, at the deluge, at the birth of Moses, at the birth of Cyrus, the

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