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GOD’S SURE PROM ISE. TH IS TRACT IS BY Dr. R. A. T orrey, and is a “decision card,” the card itself being perforated so .th at th e new con v ert m ay m ake his decision for C hrist and keep th e balance of the tra c t. P rice p er doz., 10c; p er 100, 65c. H E ’S COMING TOMORROW . A SPLEND ID tra c t on th e Second Coming w rittn e in story form . I t is by H arriet B eecher Stowe, the fam ous au th o r of “U ncle Tom ’s Cabin.’ Price, 10c p er doz.; 75c per 100. H E L L : A T E R R IB L E REALITY . A VIVID pictu re of hell w hich m akes a deep im pression. Splendid for th e unsaved. P rice, 2c each; 20c a doz.; $1.25 p er hundred. TH E L IF E THA T W INS. A W OND ERFU L address given by Chas. G. Trum bull in w hich he gives his personal experience. A pam phlet w idely used in C hristian w ork. P rice, 2c each; 20c per dozen, T H E MAN THA T D IED FOR ME. BY MRS. J. K. B arney. The sto ry of a C alifornia m iner who was led to see Jesu s as his own personal Saviour. P rice, 40c per 100. MAN W ITHOU T A SOUL, TH E . BY MRS. L au ra C. Evans. T he sto ry of th e rem arkable conversion of H enry Spencer, th e m an who died in Ju ly , 1914, for the m urder of M rs. M ildred A lison-R exroat, a Chicago dancing teacher, de claring his innocence of th e crim e on th e scaffold This rem arkable sto ry w as told by M rs. E vans herself before a very large audience, and th e effect it had was trem endous. She was asked a t th a t tim e to p rin t th e sto ry , and after m uch th o u g h t and p ray er she decided to do it for th e glory of God. I t has been u sed ; of God to th e salvation of m any souls, and has had a very large sale. Price 5c each; 50c per dozen; $3.00 per hundred. M ISSINOARY’S MESSAGE, TH E. BY REV. R. A. T orrey. T he w riter show s th e im portance of th e m essage, and th a t the real M issionary’s m essage is no t a p a rt of th e gospel, b u t the W HO L E gospel—the death, resu rrectio n , and re tu rn of th e L ord Jesu s C hrist. P rice, 3c. PE RH A PS TODAY. BY B. M cCALL BAR- bour. This is an o th er of M r. B arbour’s good booklets show ing th a t Jesu s is com ing and may come today and the need of being ready find w aiting for H is com ing P rice, 5c each; 50c per dozen; $3.00 per hundred. RANSACKING TH E SCRIPTURES. BY K EITH U B rooks. One of our b est little books on Bible rules for Bible study, show ing th a t one m u st search the S criptures system atically, earn estly , anxiously, reg u larly , carefully, and hum bly. Price, 10c. R IGHTLY D IV ID ING TH E WORD O F TRUTH . By C I. Scofield. The purpose of th is booklet is to indicate th e m ore im p o rtan t divisions of th e Book, and the stu d en t is earn estly ex ho rted to “ search th e S criptures daily w hether these th in g s are so.” Sm all type edition, price, 8c; large type edition, price, 15c SECOND COMING, TH E . BY W ILLIAM ASH- ley Sunday. “ B illy” Sunday tells us the g re a te st m eeting spoken of in the Bible,—when our Lord comes to m ake up H is jew els. , A splendid m essage. P rice, 10c.
A WORD O F CHEER. A LIT T L E TRACT ON th e text- “ W hy a rt th o u cast down, O my soul” (P salm s 43:5) by th a t apostle-of cheerful ness, George M uller. Price' p er hundred, 25c. AN AMERICAN GIRLS STRUGGLE AND SIJR- render. T his sto ry is told by th e girl herself and she tells how she learned th a t th ere was som ething m ore in life th an average C h ristian ity A w onderful tso ry of the m ighty pow er of God in a consecrated life. P rice, 2c. AN SW ERED PRAYER. ONE O F T H E BEST tra c ts oh p ray er th a t we publish. Fine for distrib u tio n . Price p er hundred, 25c. BA PTISM W ITH T H E HOLY SPIR IT, THE. By R. A. T orrey. T his tra c t is by th e well know n w riter, D r. R. A. T orrey, and contains an outline stu d y of th e B aptism w ith th e Holy Spirit based on Scripture. P rice, 10c per doz.; 75c per 100; $5.00 p er 1000. BLOOD B E L IE F. TH IS L IT T L E LEA FL E T show s the difference betw een the belief in the Blood, and the various bloodless beliefs. H as had a big sale and has been highly commended in th e Sunday School Tim es. Price 8c per dozen; 50c p er hundred. CHARLIE COULSON, T H E DRUMMER BOY. B y D r. M. L. R ossvally. A n unabridged edir tion of th e above tra c t A tru e sto ry of th e Civil W ar. 48 pages. Price, 3c each. CHRISTIAN L IF E CARD. BY R. A. TORREY. A splendid tra c t for personal w ork—in car barns, fire houses, etc. P rice each, 2c; per dozen, .25c; p er hundred, $1.00. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE VS. D IV IN E HEALING . By W . B. Riley. T his booklet discusses the fundam entals of M rs. E ddy’s faith and is one of ou r best. Price, 10c. f CHRISTIAN SCIENCE AND TH E WORD OF God.^. By F ran k lin G. H uling . T akes up fhe C hristian Science delusion from an entirely new angle. M r. H uling convicts th e S cientists by th e ir own statem en ts. He v isited and talked to num bers of practioners, and th e resu lts of his conversations are herein contained. Price 10c each; 50c dozen; $3.00 per hundred. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FROM A B IB LE V IEW - P oint. By Florence Culver. One of th e best tra c ts a g ain st C hristian Science th a t we carry. T he parallel q uotations from M rs. E ddy’s w ord and from God’s W ord are about th e m ost effect ive arg um en t th a t one can have to refu te th is false doctrine. Price, 5c each'; 50c a dozen; $3.00 a hundred. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOT, SCRIPTURAL. BY Abbie M orrow. T his is acknow ledged to be one of th e b est tra c ts on C hristian Science now in use. It does no t speak by hearsay, bu t uses M rs. Eddy’s own statem en ts, and confronts them w ith w hat th e Books says. Price 10c per dozen; 50c p er 100. COMING. BY B. McCALL BARBOUR. AN- o th er of the B arbour series of booklets. This one deals w ith th e L ord’s re tu rn . Price each, 5c; per dozen, 45c; per hundred, $3.00 COMMUNION. A COMFORTING MESSAGE to discouraged ones who would like to know the secret of real comm union and fellowship w ith Jesu s C hrist. Price, 5c per doz.; 50c per 100. m
TH E B IOLA BOOK ROOM Bible In s titu te of Los A ngeles 5 3 6 -5 5 8 S ou th H o p e S treet, Los A ngeles, C alifornia
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