King's Business - 1919-12


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STORY OF ARCHIBALD BOYLE, TH E . AN episode from th e career o f .one of th e n o to r­ ious “H ell Club” of Glasgow. A w arning to those who are liv in g profligate lives, and to all o th e rs, who have no t settled the g reat question of th e ir soul’s salvation. Price lc each; 75c a hundred. SIM PL E LESSONS IN B IB LE MARKING: BY Rev. K eith L. B rooks. T his is one of M r. B rooks’ la te st books and is w ith o u t question th e finest book we have ever seen on Bible m arking. I t gives th e com plete m arkings for th e Gospel of John, also suggestions for g a th e r­ in g of Bible m aterial. ' E very Bible stu d en t should have a copy of th is splendid book. Bound in paper. Price, 25c.; SH E PH ERD PSALM , TH E. BY DR. R. A. T orrey. Same m essage as above b u t printed in la rg e r,, easy -to -read type, * with^ attra c tiv e cover, m aking a very suitable gift. Size 5}4x8 in. De Luxe edition. P rice, 25c. SEV&N R ’S OF T H E FU L L GOSPEL, TH E . By M ark M atthew s, D. D. A lecture in book­ let form settin g . fo rth th e

TRU TH FOR YOU. A VALUABLE COMPEN- dium of theological inform ation p u t up in v est pocket form . "A page^ is given to each subject and w ith th is aa C hristian W orker can also refute any of the “issu es” of the present^ day, giving th e Scripture for 'Use in dealing w ith all these delusions. Price 10c each; 95c p er dozen; $7.00 p er hundred. BIRD’S-EY E B IB LE STUDY. BY ALEXANDER P atterso n . A splendid book w ith c h arts, m aps and diagram s, m aking Bible stu d y easy. Price 15c. WHY I R E JEC T T H E “H E L PIN G HAND ” OF M illenial Dawn. By W . C. Stevens. P refatory testim onial by D r. R. A .' T orrey, D ean of th e Bible In s titu te of Los Angeles.^ T his is the only book offered to th e public w hich fully expounds, ra th e r ^ th a n m erely declaring the fatal erro rs of M illenial Dawn. I t is th e m ost satisfactory reply to P a sto r R ussell and his vagaries th a t th ere is to p u t into th e hand of th e everyday C hristian who has been a t all troubled by th is false teaching. P rice 40c, paper binding. WORLD AND IT S GOD, TH E . BY P H IL IP M auro. The purpose o f th is volum e is to m ake an application of th e philosophic or relationalis- tic te s t to th e Bible account of C reation, and p articu larly to th a t portion of th e account w hich deals w ith th e O rigin of Evil in hum an n ature. T his is a splendid book, the w riter him self having previously been an avow ed m aterialist for nearly tw en ty years. P rice, 15c; large type edition, 25c. W IL L T H E OLD BOOK STAND? BY H» L .' H astin g s. A splendid tra c t proving # the in ­ spiration of th e Bible, and th a t it will stan d forever. P rice, 6c. W HO IS GOD ? A FO LDER SHOW ING MAN’S conception of God in H is stern ju stice w ith all H is ten d er m ercies le ft o u t of consideration, and ou r God as H e is—so long-suffering and pitiful and ten d er of us all—“N ot w illing th a t any should p erish.” P rice, 3c each; 25c dozen; $1.50 p er hundred. W HA T T H E W AR TEACHES, OR TH E G reatest Lessons of 1917. By R. A. T orrey. T he w riter tells of th e w orld’s g re a t events of 1917, show ing how prophecy has been fulfilled and proven th a t th e Bible is th e WoTd of God. P rice, 5c e a.; 50c p er doz. UN PARDONABLE SIN, TH E . BY REV . W IL- liam P. N icholson. In th is tra c t th e w riter discusses these four questions—W h at ’is the n a tu re of th is sin? W ho usually com m its th is sin? W h at are th e sym ptom s of one who has com m itted th is sin? and W hy is it an u n p ar­ donable sin? P rice, 15c. VO ICE O F GOD. BY E Z R I A LFRED BER- trand. T his booklet contains po etry , real poetry, som e of the m ost beautiful little verses we know , and is illu stra te d by sketches draw n by M erritt M. M iner. N eat and attra c tiv e . P rice, 15c. SUBDUED. A TRACT SETTING FORTH TH E satisfaction of a life th a t is entirely Holy Spirit controlled. P rice, 25c p er 100. STRONGHOLDS O F TRU TH . BY REV . W . H. G riffith Thom as. C ontains th e substance of four addresses on “The Bible and th e Spiritual Life” w hich >co n sists of th d Bible as a R evela­ tion, A u th o rity , M essage, and a Pow er. A very fine book. Price, 25c.

T H E B IOLA BOOK ROOM Bible In s titu te of Los A ngeles 536 -5 5 8 S o u th H o p e S treet, Los A ngeles, C alifornia


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