King's Business - 1919-12

CHR I S TMA S G I F T S T HA T A R E UNU S UA L AND UN I QUE A sensible an d b eau tifu l w aste-pape* b a sk e t fo r fath er. A hand-w oven N avajo pillow to p fo r b ro th e r o r son. A n a rtistic, w e ar-ev er N avajo ru g fo r m other. A n a ttra c tiv e a n d a rtistic w all p laq u e for d a u g h te r o r sister. These are Hand Made No Two Alike Dlrrct From the Reservation in Arizona RUGS— 3 by 4 ft. G ray w ith black, w hite, an d red p a tte rn s, $ 1 0 .0 0 , $12 .0 0 , $14.00. 4 by 6 ft. W hite' w ith g ra y a n d black, also gray w ith w hite, brow n a n d red, $13.00; $15.00, $18.00. 5 by 8 ft. G ray w ith brow n, w hite an d red also w hite w ith gray, black, b row n a n d red, $17 .0 0 , $19 .0 0 , $21 .0 0 , $25.00. R ugs in a v a rie ty of sizes a n d p a tte rn s from $4 .0 0 to $65.00. BASKETS— idtlRRI ic h e s................................................................................$2.00 to $ 3.50 3.00 to 6.00 H eight W th 4 inches 5 in 6 8 “ .....

5.00 to 10.00 7.50 to 15.00 9.0 0 to 18.00

10 12 15

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10 12 14

" ..... These are suitable for La i ’

adies Work Baskets, Jardineers, Waste Paper Bas

PLAQUES— 9 inch ........................$ .75 to $1 .5 0 12 “ ............................ 1.10 to 1.75

15 “ ............................ 1.35 to 2.50 18 “ ............................ 2.0 0 to 4.00

A beautiful addition to th e reception hall or dining room.


701 S ixth S treet, Los A ngeles, C alifornia

H O W T O MEET M O D ERN “ISMS” The Bible Institute of Los Angeles Issues a Correspondence Course Equipping Students Along this Line. Personal Evangelism and Practical, Work by Rev. T. C. Horton This course gives in addition to the above a thorough instruc­ tion in personal work and considerable doctrinal study. The student is afforded a personal touch by correspondence with Dr. Horton who answers all questions concerning the course. Cost of course, ONLY $3.00. W H Y N O T STUDY T H IS NOW ? W rite Secretary Correspondence School, B ible In stitu te, of Los Angeles, Calif.


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