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A S E R M O N BY M A IL A t th e M arble Collegiate C hurch, F ifth A venue and T w en ty -n in th S treet, New Y ork C ity, p rin ted copies of Dr. David James Burrell’s serm ons are g ratu ito u sly distrib u ted a t the evening service every Sabbath (usually about 35 issues p er annum ), from O ctober to Ju n e, inclusive. For th e convenience of persons w ishing to receive th e serm ons w eek ly, a m ailing list h as been e stab lished, to w hich nam es m ay be added a t any tim e by th e paym ent of one dollar to cover postage and m ailing for one year from date of receipt. Subscriptions and req u ests for spe cim en copies should be sen t to M iss M erce E. Boyer, 1 W est Tw enty-ninth S treet, New Y ork City.
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