King's Business - 1919-12

Latest Books on Prophecy A T A LL BO O K SE L L ER S

JAMES M. GRAY, D.D. A T e x t B ook on P ro p h e cy In the Light of the Great War.

/ . STUART HOLDEN | M.A., D.D. W ill T h e C h rist R e tu rn ?

“D r. H olden is u n surpassed in his w ise and S crip tu ral teachings. T here is a g ra ­ cious sp irit ru n n in g th ro u g h it and an avoidance of disputed points w hich com ­ m ends th e a u th o r and his w ork very highly to our m ind. Exceedingly helpful, stim u latin g and h eart-search in g . By all m eans buy th is book.”—W atchw ord and T ru th . Net 50c.

“W h atev er value one m ay a tta ch to th e prophetic teachings, one cannot fail to be in terested and profited. D r. G ray is an earn est stu d en t of th e H oly W ord, and th e ju d gm en ts and conclusions are w orthy of appreciative consideration.”— U nited P resb y terian . Cloth, net $1.25.

PHILIP MAURO A uthor of “The N um ber of M an.” etc. G o d ’s P re sen t K ingdom

PHILIP MAURO “A fte r T h is”

The Church, the Kingdom and the Glory. “W ith th e in sig h t of a devout Bible C hristian and the keen discrim ination and logical' pow er of a train ed law yer, M r. M auro here exam ines, in th e lig h t of H oly Scripture^ th e place an d p a rt assigned to th is p resen t age in th e D ivine plan and purpose of th e ages. The read er cannot fail to ,be in terested , in stru cted and helped.”—T he E vangelical. Net $1.00 H. PIERSON KING T h e Im perial H o p e A Statement of the Doctrine of the Return • of Jesus Christ. “The au th o r covers the ground in a clear and helpful w ay, indicating briefly and y et sufficiently the various events as they are foretold in Scripture. R eferences to Bible passages are given w ith each chap­ ter, so th a t readers can study th e m a­ terial for them selves and draw th e ir own conclusions. T his book form s an adm ir­ able handbook on ‘The B lessed H ope.’ ” —Sunday School Tim es. Net $1.25. W. C . STEVENS T h e B ook o f D aniel H ere is a book of rem arkable helpfulness on a subject of unfailing in terest. A com posite revelation -of the day’s of Israel’s subjugation to G entile pow ers, of w hich D r. Jam es M. G ray, D ean of the Moody Bible In stitu te , say s: “ The book seem s to have ‘come to th e kingdom for stieh a tim e as th is.’ ” Net $1.00. Ask any Bookseller for Revells’ Books

A detailed exam ination of the founding, n atu re and functions of th e K ingdom of God, based upon th e controlling facts and evidences of th e Scriptures. A rich sto re ­ house of carefully-gleaned m aterial b ear­ in g on th ese subjects. Net $1.25.

A. C. GAEBELEIN T h e P ro p h e t Ezekiel

M r. G aebelein,,is an unsw erving believer in th e inerrancy of hH oly S cripture. A stro n g able presen tatio n of w hat an earn ­ e st and able expositor deem s to be the revelation of God to M ankind as con­ tained in the Old T estam ent. Net $1.50

REV. CLINTON C. BELL T e n Lessons on O u r L o rd ’s R e tu rn

“W e have read th is book from s ta rt to finish w ith real in terest. I t is very in ­ stru c tiv e and stirs one- to do his best, th in k in g as he reads. D r. W . B. H inson say s th is is ‘a book w ith a m essage.’ ”— H erald of Gospel L iberty. Net $1.00. I. M. HALDEMAN-, D.D. A u th o r of “ C hristian Science in th e L ig h t of H oly S cripture,” etc. W h y I P re a ch th e Second C om ing of C h rist P r. H aldem an’s a ttitu d e tow ards and view s concerning th e Second A dvent are well know n. H e is a pronounced prem il- lenarianj^ and th is, his la te st - published contribution to th e subject, is an en­ larg em en t of an address delivered by him a t th e Conference on C hristian F u n d a­ m entals. Net $1.00.


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