King's Business - 1919-12

THE K I NG ' S B U S I N E S S 1091 to the perishing world. The burden of their message was “ It is high time to awake out of sleep, for now is our salvation nearer than when we be­ lieved’’ (Rom. 13:11), and “ Seek ye the Lord while He may be found;' call ye upon Him while He is near.” (Is. 55:6.) No appeals for money were inade anywhere. The leader had no money in hand when planning the tours, yet all along the route God supplied every need. The ques­ tion of the Lord was truly answered, “ When I sent you forth, lacked ye anything? They said, Nothing.” (Lk. 22:35.) There was no place where souls were not definitely led to Christ and along the road many found peace in believing. (Rom. 15:13.) In principal towns the gatherings were very large. In one place three thousand people stood for three hours. It is very evident that the world needs to be awakened with the ade­ quate message of “ Now or never,” for “ the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.” (James 5:8.) May God help every true Christian to see the opportunity presented to them in these days when many of the recognized leaders are turned unto fables.—K. L. B. NOT SOME BUT SUM

went out. I had used no m aterial means and proved th a t ‘perfect love casteth ou t fear,’ for on page 586 of Science and H ealth Mrs. Eddy has in terp reted fire as ‘fear.’ ” F rom th is we see th a t it may be pos­ sible Shortly to do away with, our fire departm ents by simply recognizing th a t fire cannot burn. If we could have Christian Science p ractitioners as chiefs for our fire departm ents, we m ight be saved m illions of dollars. But some­ one may a s k ,, “How can th is w riter prove th e tru th of h er statem ents? Would she he w illing to dem onstrate ag ain ?” I t is something like Mrs. Eddy’s story about th e apple tree she caused to blossom in m id-w inter by simply cen­ tering her th o u g h t upon it. None ever saw it h u t herself and she never offered to blossom ou t ano th er tree to substan­ tia te h er claim. KNEW HIS BIBLE “Boys,” said a teacher to her Sunday- school class, “ can any of you quote, a verse from th e Scripture to prove th a t it is wrong to have two w ives?” A b rig h t boy raised his hand. “Well, Thomas,” encouraged the teacher. Thomas stood up. “No man can serve two m asters,” he said proudly.

Our atten tio n has been called to a typographical erro r on Page 856 of the September issue of The K ing’s Busi­ ness, where reference is made to Psa. •119:160 (R. V.) “some of th y word is tru th ,” which should have read “ the sum of th y word is tru th .” We greatly appreciate th e kindness of th e good b ro th er who called th is to our atten tion . CAN YOU BEAT IT ? H ere’s a story th a t “ tak es th e cake,” bu t it m ust be tru e fo r it is recorded in th e Christian Science Sentinel of May 10, 1919. Under th e heading of “Testi­ monies,” a con tribu to r says: “One morning while I was using an alcohol lamp a fire broke out on my table. Several inflammable articles were n ear and the blaze was quite high. I left th e room to get w ater b u t could find nothing in which to fetch it. On re tu rn in g I found th a t th e flames had increased. The window cu rtain s were near, and my fear was intense, for I was alone in a stran g e r’s house. I cried out, W hat shall I do? and th e answer came: There is b u t one way. T u rn to God. I stood and faced th e flames, know ing th a t m a tte r cannot burn, for all is infinite Mind. They immediately

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