King's Business - 1919-12

CTKe Diarj) O f A Bible Ja n u ary 15— Been resting quietly for a week. The first few n igh ts afte r th e first of th is year my owner *read me regularly, bu t he has forgotten me, I guess. F eb ru ary 2— Clean up. I was dusted w ith o th er things and put back in my place. F eb ru ary 8 — Owner used me for a sh o rt tim e afte r dinner, looking up a few references. W ent to Sunday School. March 7— Clean-up. Dusted and in my old place again. Have been down in th e lower hall since my trip to Sunday School. April 2-—Busy day. Owner led League m eeting and had to look up references. He had an aw ful tim e finding one, though it was rig h t th e re in its place all the time. May 5— In g randm a’s lap all afternoon. She is h ere on a visit. She let a teard rop fall on Colossians 2:5-7. May 6 — In g randm a’s lap again th is afternoon. She spent most of her tim e on 1 Corinthians 13 and th e la st four verses of th e 15th chapter. May 7, 8 , 9— In g randm a’s lap every afternoon now. I t’s a com­ fortable spot. Sometimes she reads me and sometimes she talk s to me. May 10— G randma gone. Back in th e old place. She kissed me good-by. Ju n e 3— Had a couple of four-leafed clovers stuck in me today. Ju ly 1— Packed in a tru n k w ith clothes and o th er things. Off on a vacation, I guess. Ju ly 7— Still in th e tru n k . Ju ly 10— Still in tru n k , though nearly everything else has been tak en out. Ju ly 15— Home again and in my old place. Quite a journey, though I do not see why I went. A ugust 1— R a th e r stuffy and hot. Have two magazines, a novel, and an old h a t on top of me. Wish they would tak e them off. September 5— Clean-up. Dusted and set rig h t again. September 10—-Used by Mary a few moments today. She was w riting a le tte r to a friend whose b ro th er had died, and wanted an appropriate verse. September 30— Clean-up again.

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