King's Business - 1919-12

Advice is like castor oil— easy to give b u t hard to take. The present moment is divinely sent; th e p resen t duty is th e M aster’s will. You may know you’re going down hill when ypur way is continually easy. We can’t all he apostles b u t we can all be epistles. The early church was characterized by poverty and power; th e p resen t is characterized by w ealth and weakness. Tem ptations th a t find us dwelling in God are to o u r faith like w inds th a t more firm ly root th e tree. Duty makes us do things well; love makes us do them beautifully. A m an may suffer w ithout sinning, b u t he cannot sin w ithou t suffering. Be sure of th is: if you cannot sanctify your p resen t lot, you could sanctify no other. Is anything more p itifu l th a n a life spent in th ink ing of nothing b u t self? To deserve praise where none is ob­ tain ed is b etter th a n to obtain, it where none is deserved. Live in Christ and you are in the suburbs of heaven. Bolted food never unlocks its es­ sences. M editation is m ental m astica­ tion. A bad conscience em b itters the sweetest com forts; a good one sweetens th e b itterest crosses. Though S atan build a hedge about us, he cannot roof us in and prevent our looking up. The Gospel professed may lift a man TO heaven. Only th e Gospel possessed will bring him INTO heaven. The Gospel is perfect. I t is a crime to add to it; treason to a lte r it; felony to tak e from it.

Christ no t diffused is Christ misused. A b lun t tongue may m ake a sharp cut. People often ask for advice when they mean they w ant approbation. An empty man is full of himself. The doors of opportunity are m arked “ Pu sh .” How many people have you made homesick for God? It is a solemn th ing to say “tom or­ row” when God says “ today.” If we indulge a sin we invite a sor­ row. There is no re st on th e road th a t tak es you away from your duty. No one is perm anently in ju red save by himself. Be w hat you would have others to become. W rite in ju ries in th e du st b u t k ind ­ ness in marble. He should not be w eary of th e cross who is sure of th e crown. God’s choicest p lants often live in the shade. Though th e sun of ch arity arise at home, it should always set abroad, a The sm allest good deed is b etter than the g rand est good intention. A tru e C h ristian loves no t th e world yet he loves all th e World. W hat your prayers are you will be. It will no t h u rt ydu to be called a fool unless you are one. God does no t reveal w hat you your­ self can discover. H ea rt’s ease is a flower th a t grows not in th e world’s garden. We cannot tru s t God w ith too much or ourselves w ith too little. N eu trality in religion is always cow­ ardice. . P ray your pastor up and pay him up.

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