King's Business - 1919-12



who espoused His cause, Nicodemus and Joseph of A rim athea. His friends for th e most p a rt were people who, in th a t climate where ophthalmy or inflamma­ tion of' th e eyeball sweeps ever and anon as a scourge, had become blind, sick people who were anxious to get well, and troubled people in whose fam ­ ily th e re was some one dead or dying. If He had a purse a t all, it was empty, or we would have heard w hat was done w ith th e contents a t the post-mortem . Poor? The pigeon in th e dove-cote, the rab b it in its burrow , th e silk-worm in its cocoon, the bee in its hive is b etter provided for, b etter off, b etter sheltered. Aye, th e b ru te creation has a home on earth , which Christ had not. The Crown P rince of all heavenly dom inion had less th a n the raven, less th a n the chamois, for He was homeless. Aye, in th e histo ry of th e universe th e re is no o th er instance of such coming down. Who can count th e m iles from th e top of th e th rone to th e bottom of the cross? C leopatra giving a banquet to Antony, took a pearl worth one hun ­ dred thousand dollars and dissolved it in vinegar and swallowed it. B u t when our P rince in His la st hours took th e vinegar, in it had been dissolved all th e pearls of H is heavenly royalty. Down un til th e re was no o ther depth fo r H im to touch, troubled un til th ere was no o ther harassm en t to suffer, poor un til th e re was no o ther pauperism to to rtu re. 7 One of John Bunyan/s g rea t books is en titled “Grace Abounding.” “ It is all of grace th a t I am saved” has been on th e lips of hundreds of dying Chris­ tians. The boy was rig h t when, being exam ined for adm ission into Church membership, he was asked: “Whose work was your salv ation ?” and he an ­ swered, “ P a rt m ine and p a rt God’s.” Then the exam iner asked: “W hat p art did you do, Sammy?” and th e answer was: “ I opposed God all I could, and He did the rest.” Oh! the heigh t of it,

th e depth of it, th e length of it, the b read th of it— th e grace of God! Oh, th e personality of th is religion! Not an ab straction ; not an arch under which we walk to behold elaborate ma­ sonry; not an ice castle like th a t which Empress E lizabeth of Russia, over a hundred years ago ordered to be con­ structed, w inter w ith its trowel o ' crystal cementing th e huge blocks th a t had been qu arried from th e frozen rivers of th e N orth; b u t a F a th e r’s house, w ith a wide h ea rth crackling a h earty welcome. A religion of w arm th and inspiration, of ligh t and cheer! Something we can take into our hearts, and home, and business, and recreation, and joys, and sorrows. Not an unm an­ ageable gift, like the galley presented to Ptolemy, which requ ired four thou ­ sand men to row, and whose d rau g h t of w ater was so g reat th a t it could not come n ear th e shore; b u t something you can ru n up any stream of annoyance, however shallow. E nrichm ent now, en­ richm ent forever. The seven wise men of Greece were chiefly known each for one apothegm : Solon for th e saying, “Know thy self” ; P eriand er for the saying, “Nothing is impossible to indu stry ” ; Philo for the saying, “Suretyship is the precursor of ru in .” And Paul, distinguished for a thousand utterances, m ight well afford to be memorable for th e saying: “YE KNOW THE GRACE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, THAT THOUGH HE WAS RICH, YET FOR YOUR SAKES HE BECAME POOR, THAT YE THROUGH HIS POVERTY MIGHT BE


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