King's Business - 1919-12



I n . Albany, Ga., is a huge hill of sand; it has w aited for centuries, use­ less to beast or man, a goat would starv e on the grass th a t trie s to grow on its bulk. Every grain is wrapped in iron ru st. A wise man has studied and tested for years. Today th e sand is mixed w ith unslacked lime and put into a huge steel cylinder, egg shaped stones from across th e sea are tossed in to th e m ixture, th e cylinder revolved rap id ly for hours; th e resu lt is a powder fine as talc powder for nu rsery use, the m ixture is moistened w ith w ater and slacked,., th e moistened m ixture run into moulds, and subjected to a pres­ su re of seventy tons to the square inch, th e bricks are steam ed for ten hours, th e resu lt is a brick white as bleached flour, tested by fire or frost defiant of both. The final resu lt is a brick w hiter th a n snow, sparkling like ho ar frost, fit to make palaces for kings. The V irgin B irth means th e introduc­ tion of th e Son of God into our hum an­ ity, to meet it, m ingle w ith it, cleanse it, tak e upon H im self our natu re, give us His n atu re, giving God building ma­ te ria l fo r a new heaven and a new earth , wherein is to dwell righteous­ ness. A fitting building m aterial for th e though ts and plans of God. Accepting th is as tru e, th e n th e re is b u t one th ing for men and women to do. Obey Christ as Lord. Be as will­ ing to share H is n atu re as He is to sh are ours, and in th a t sh aring the lower m ust yield to th e higher, th a t is the. law of life from th e lowest to the highest. You notice in th e la st hymn sung, th e calendar read, “ om it th e 3d and 4th verses.” In giving ou t the hymn I read th e requ est “ om it the th ird and fou rth verses.” Chorus and congregation sung straig h t th rough the verses to be om itted, and om itted the la st two. T h at is a trifle between you and me, though a symptom, b u t when God lays down laws of life, and states conditions of grow th and we are care­

less or rebellious, th e grow th stops, the P resence is w ithdrawn. The d irt ceas­ es to be p lan t when it sh rink s from su rrend er. The p lan t ceases to become anim al when it sh rink s from surrender. The world below ceases to become man when it sh rink s from su rrender, and man ceases to become like God m ani­ fest in th e flesh when he sh rink s from su rrend er. The first man Adam became a living soul when w illing ea rth yielded to inb reathed spirit, and th e first Ad­ am ’s son becomes like th e Lord from heaven when he yields to th e willing Son of God. “And Mary said, Behold th e hand maid of the Lord; be it unto me accord­ ing to thy word.” T h at w illing su r­ rend er is the condition in tu rn of hav­ ing Christ formed w ithin each one of us th e hope of glory; un til th a t w illing su rrend er th e dignity of hum an n atu re does no t become th e divinity of the uncreated. “ If Jesus Christ is a man, And only a man, I say, T h at of all m ankind I will cleave to Him And cleave to Him alway. If Jesu s Christ is God, And th e only God, I swear I will follow H im th rough heaven and hell, The earth , th e sea, th e a ir.” WOMEN AND COEFIN NAILS C igaret smoking among London wom­ en is now being varied by th e occasional sigh t of a woman in a re sta u ra n t smok­ ing a cigar. It is n o t. a big, fa t cigar, for big, fat cigars in .London are very expensive. Another development of smoking by women is street smoking and frequen t­ ly one may see a g irl a t th e lunch hour in the city saun tering along enjoying h er cigaret while du ring th e evening young women may often be seen in the west end streets smoking.

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