King's Business - 1919-12

Reconstructing Christianity O r “iThe Modem Fool Race For a Spineless Religion” Taken From Hire Boston Evening Transcript By REV. GEO . L. CLARK Wethersfield, Conn.

Wanted— A Democratic Theology. The w ar has increased th e confusion, rem inding us of som ething Timothy Dw ight w rote in 1812 of th e effects of th e Revolution: “ I t unhinged th e prin­ ciples, the m orality and th e religion of th e country more th a n could have been done by a peace of fo rty y ears.” An earn est woman told me w ithin a y ear th a t our g reatest need is of pro­ found and original m ind to reconstruct our view of God altogether, and give us a democratic theology, suited to our modern views. Until th is new Moses appears the plain Bible is th e best th ing we have in stock. Swearing and sim ilar pollutions are said to be favorite diversions in the army, b u t high au tho rities, before whom all things are open and from whom no secrets are hid, declare th a t th e boys mean nothing wrong. i Some d aring m inds have looked over the shoulders of th e recording angel and reported th a t only ten per cent of th e pleasing spo rt is bad. A woman w ith an exploring imagi­ n ation told me th e o ther day she could not believe th a t God is so jealous of H is dignity as to resent th e blas­ phemy of a soldier. I h eard a railro ad man swear the o ther morning, and I though t “Those dread fu l words would seem quite pious if u ttered by a soldier.” Throw ing Away th e Chart. There is th e question of th e fu tu re of those whose bodies lie under the poppies in F landers fields. I t would

These are days of reconstruction in everything. H aughty monarchs have fled to th e woods. Dream s of world brotherhood are tak ing form . Stub­ born trad ition s become fluid and crys- talize afresh over night. Religion, and even morals, are throw n into th e m elt­ ing pot. The w ar leaves us dazed, and fam iliar landm arks, such as th e Rock of Ages, are obscured by sentim ental m ist. We m u st go somewhere in a hu rry . Evolution is borne on every breeze. We are encompassed by dim and aggressive democracy. We are bath ed in a soft and sweetish ooze of mysticism. Form erly, congregations were pelted w ith chunks of theology — something to chew on or gnaw at. A ra th e r common m odern method is to spray w ith a diluted m ixture, made up of a dash of Christian ethics, a fling a t theology, a slam a t P au l and a flavor of m ild optim ism. God’s sovereignty is under a mora­ torium . The decrees of th e Lord of Hosts are p u t to popular vote. Sinai is growing asbestos flowers. T h e'D ay of Judgm ent is subject to a referendum , and God is a good-nat­ ured old gentleman, w ith a pocket full of candy. The R iver of. Life may be throne w ater, b u t it spreads to all outdoors so th a t every one may have a sip. In some places it is almost as deep as an average dew. A, favorite motto is, “Every man for him self and God for us all,” as the elephant said when he danced among th e chickens.

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