King's Business - 1919-12


T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S a fath e r of th e ancient Church,, “We have a boundary, th e cross of Christ.” He sits on no precarious throne, ' Nor borrows leave to he. W ithou t Him dream s of a world press­ ing forw ard into righteousness and brotherhood would lead into a dreary morass, a poor roadbed for a trium ­ ph an t march. A bog-bank of reveries furnishes nothing on which to spike the rails. A stiff task faces us; a diluted gospel puts no iron into th e blood. A fter E. R. Sill had lost his faith he said: “How certain conclusions do take th e shine out of th in g s!” Professor Palm er of H arv ard once w ent to Phillips Brooks w ith a diffi­ cult question, and afte r talk ing w ith him an hou r he w ent fo rth w ith head high and h e a rt strong. When half­ way home he stopped and 1 exclaimed, “ I declare, I forgot to ask th a t ques­ tio n !” I t was no t necessary, for he had caught a fresh vision of Christ.— BIBLE SUNDAY December the seventh, th e th ird Sun­ day before Christmas, is Bible Sunday. The idea of Bible Sunday is th a t on one and the same day all Christians every­ where shall unite to exalt the Word of God. The necessity for th e observance of one special Sunday when the Book of Life shall be the them e of prayer and teaching, the w ider circulation of which shall become the zeal of th e church, is a t once app aren t and commendable. There is special value th a t all un ite on one day. An individualistic and scatter­ ed cheer would not make much impres­ sion compared w ith th e cheer from a thousand th ro ats shouted sim ultaneous­ ly. The Anglican and Episcopal church has for centuries emphasized the Bible on th is day. The New York Bible So­ ciety, tak ing th is Sunday which is near to December 4th, the day on which the

Society was organized 110 years' ago, has enlisted th e endorsement of official bodies of th e P resbyterian, Reformed, Methodist and B aptist Churches. The In tern ation al Sunday School Association has rcommended th a t every Sunday School observe th is Sunday as Bible Sunday. The annual observance of th is j day must resu lt in an intensity of pu r­ pose, and a fra te rn a l sp irit th a t will tend to magnify Jesus Christ through the honoring of the Word. The Bible is the Book of Life and Power, and there is g reater need of emphasizing its value to-day th a n ever before. We suggest th a t you sta rt now to plan in w hat way you will observe it. F ind out w hat is going to be done in the church service and in the Sunday School. Rem ind your pastor so he will have tim e to prepare an appropriate sermon. If more church members asked th e ir pastors to preach on th e Bible, fewer of th e men in the pulpit would be wandering so far afield. The church th a t loves th e Bible the most is invariably th e strongest church. L ite ra tu re giving suggestions and in­ form ation reg ard ing Bible Sunday and its observance can be obtained by w rit­ ing th e New York Bible Society, 675 Madison Ave., New York. AND WHAT HAVE WE DONE? Christian Science P ropaganda is car­ ried on w ith a zeal w orthy of a more intelligent faith. The yearly rep o rt of the church says th a t “in the past year 250,000 pieces of our lite ra tu re have been carefully d istribu ted in Boston alone. Over two hundred lite ra tu re dis­ tribu tion ■boxes have been placed and cared for by various groups in the city.” DID YOU NOTICE IT ? Did you notice th a t th e Religious Ed­ ucation Association at its 1919 session a t D etroit elected as its P residen t Dr. Samuel A. Eliot, who is also Preéident of the American U n itarian Association?

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