King's Business - 1919-12

The evening school departm en t of the In stitu te opened w ith a most prom ising outlook th is year. L ast year th e eve­ ning school had 164 enrolled students who followed the course throughout. This num ber represented 20 denom ina­ tions and 15 n ationalities. H ere is a new use for The K ing’s Business. A w orker in New South Wales w rites, “The K ing’s Business-is always a g reat help to me. L ike Sam­ son, I use it h ere and th e re as my heifer to plough w ith .” Clifford M. Beatty, ’17, w rites th a t having retu rn ed from a ir service w ith th e army, he h as tak en up work as Boys’ Work D irector w ith th e Y. M. C.r A. a t LaPorte, Ind. Evangelist F ra n k Stanley, w ith E arl Cochran, ’19, as singer, has been having splendid campaigns th e past summer. A Colorado Springs paper tells of the services conducted by them in Em ­ m anuel P resby terian Church th ere, of which Rev. H. J. Baldwin, form er su­ p erin tend en t of men of th e Bible In­ stitu te, is pastor. Carl A ldinger, ’19, is attend ing Bay­ lor University a t Waco, Tex., a B aptist school. In teresting le tte rs a ie received from Bey. Alex. Saunders who led a party of In stitu te g radu ates out to China w ith him la st year. “All th e members of our p arty are now scattered in all p arts of China,” he w rites, “w ith th e ex­ ception of Miss Robinson who will be h ere u n til fall. Our new Gospel hall in Nanking is now open, and for over th ree weeks we have had an average nightly attendance of 260 men, mostly of the business and lite ra ti classes.” Three In stitu te students are now lo­ cated w ith the Mt. B erry School of girls in Georgia. Miss Iva M. Sweeney, ’19, is head cook, Miss Consta Moore, ’19, has charge of a dorm itory and Mrs. Ada L. C lark is a teacher. On September 16 occurred th e m ar­ riage of George E kdahl, ’19, and Miss Gladys Gibson, ’19, form er students. They are now w ith th e Bolivian Indian Mission a t San Pedro, Bolivia, S. A.

The fall term of th e Bible In stitu te opened w ith th e g reatest Bible confer­ ence in its history, both from point of numbers in attendance, and in th e pow­ er of the messages. The, conference was under th e direction of th e Fundam ent- als-Conference movement which has been led by Dr. W. B. R iley of .Minne­ apolis. The speakers were Dr. Riley, Dl*. F. W. F a rr, Dr. O. P. Gifford, Dr. W. P. White, Dr. Henry Ostrom, Dr. A. C. Dixon. The subjects discussed covered most of th e g rea t fundam entals of the orthodox faith. The meetings were a trem endous blessing, and send- off to th e In stitu te students. Dr. Torrey and Dr. A tkinson are ex­ pected to arrive home from China early in November. A group picture of a m issionary gathering, in which Dr. Torrey and Dr. A tkinson are the cen­ tra l figures will be found in th e m iddle section of th e magazine. I t is a m a tte r of g reat joy to both w orkers and studen ts th a t Mr. Lyman Stewart, th e beloved president of the In stitu te, who has so long been serious­ ly ill, is now improving in health. Mr. S tew art’s sm iling face has been greatly missed by th e studen ts, these many weeks. Dr. Dixon has been preaching a t the Church of th e Open Door in Dr. Tor- rey ’s place,' during th e m onth of Octo­ ber. H is strong messages have proven a g rea t inspiration to hundreds in Los Angeles, and more th a n once th e big auditorium has been filled near to ca­ pacity. Dr. Dixon is also teaching reg­ u larly in the In stitu te. The K ing’s Business has now passed th e ten thousand m ark in paid subscrip­ tions. Some of you have helped us to reach our 1919 goal. Now we have set the goal for 20,000 th is coming year. Why no t pitch in and help us some more? You students! You members of the alumni! How about it?

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