King's Business - 1919-12



York Eves, ’18, has entered the Uni­ versity of California. H arry D. Rummell, a form er student, has g raduated from McCormick Semi­ nary, and has been ordained by the F irs t P resby terian Church of San Die­ go. H erb ert G. Scott, ’18, who now labors w ith the m ountain whites a t Whites- burg, Ky., w rites of how he prayed for a horse to help him. cover his large te rrito ry and th e Lord has sent him th e am ount needed from a very unex­ pected source, all in a lump. He then began praying for m aintenance for the horse, and $25 came in which he used to purchase a saddle. If you w ant to p u t som* money where it will help a good man carry th e Gospel into the mountains, why not help keep th is horse alive? J. F . Smith, ’17, has been appointed pasto r of th e Tenine, Wash., Methodist Church. He has had a y ear’s successful work as supply a t the M. E. Church a t E ast Hoquiam. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hick, form er students, have received th e ir appoint­ m ent from th e China Inland Mission and are on th e ir way a t th is w riting. Chas. H. Weir, ’19, w rites: th a t he is working w ith th e American T ract Society as a colporteur. He states th a t he is buying a piece of property w ith th e view of sta rtin g a home for or­ phans later. An in teresting article is printed in The W ar Cry, in which Cadet S. Ozaki, a form er studen t of th e In stitu te re­ counts his conversion from Buddhism and his call to Christian work. Mr. Ozaki has been train in g for Salvation Army work among his own people. Thomas A. Flynn, a form er stud en t was ordained to th e B aptist m inistry a t S alt Lake Cijy on Sept. 16. The service took place a t th e church of which he is pastor, th e Rio Grande Bap­ tist Church. S. H. Thorpe, a student, has accepted a call to th e B aptist Church a t Tor­ rance, .Calif. Mr. Thorpe has been do­ ing excellent work as pastor of the Balboa Beach, Calif., chapel. J. E. W alker, ’18, now a Sunday School M issionary a t Myrtle Point, Ore., w rites th a t he is up to his neck in th e work, and while having some rough experiences, is being g reat­ ly blessed.

TRUTH AND ERROR CHART The ch a rt en titled “The Spirit of T ru th ” recently published by th e Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles, is being g reat­ ly blessed of God and very widely dis­ tributed. Over 100,000 have already been p rin ted in th e United States, and it is also now being published separate­ ly in England, Canada, and Wales. An officer of the Evangelization Society of New South Wales w rites as follows: I have felt impelled, w ithout w aiting for your consent, to republish y o u r folder entitled, “The b p in t of T ru th and the Spirit of E rro r.” I t is ju s t exactly w hat is needed th ro u g h o u t the S tate of New South W ales a t th e p resen t tim e, and to have w aited fo r supply to have come from you would have been to have lo st m ost valuable tim e. I therefore im m ediately p u t the o t5r ,?,e£,ore th e E vangelization Society of New South W ales, and one of th e C omm ittee offered to pay the cost of p rin tin g 5,000 copies w ith a view to supply every m in ister and local preacher th ro u g h o u t the S ta te w ith a copy. W e are overrun here w ith Seventh D ay A dventism , Mor- m om sm , R ussellism , Theosophy, C hristian Sci­ ence and Spiritualism , as well as M odern T he­ ology, and we feel confident th a t u nder th e M essm g of God, the circulation of th is folder will be of g reat value in stay in g , in some m easure, the dow n-grade tendency. Christian people should do all in th e ir power to stem th e tide of Christ-deny- ing literatu re . Copies of th is ch art which meets th e teachings of seven of the leading heresies w ith the Word of God, can now be procured th rough The K ing’s Business a t one cent each. PRAYER, THE HARDEST THING There is one th ing w ith which I am tempted to be somewhat impatient. I t is when I hear, in m issionary addresses, th e phrase, “ If you can do nothing else, you can p ray ,” as though p rayer were th e easiest th ing in th e world. It ÎS the h ard est th ing to do for foreign mis­ sions. It is much easier to read, or to give, or to go, th a n to pray. If a man begins to pray for foreign missions, he will find th a t it takes sp iritu al power and energy, if his prayer is to be real. Let us make prayer among th e most prom inent featu res of our life, as we pray for world-wide evangelization.— W. H. Griffith-Thomas.

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