King's Business - 1919-12


Another month of service has brought usual and unusual opportuni­ ties to hold fo rth the Word of Life to groups from foreign and home shores. The flags SEAMEN'S of many nations WORK seen in the harbor made one’s month w ater to p lan t the flag of the crimson cross w here it belongs— above every other flag. “ Occupy till I come,” in the Seamen’s work means the boarding of additional vessels, “ occupying” them for God, and so many ships were board­ ed w ith a prayer on our lips to have H is blessing re st in power upon th e peo ple on th e ir journeys to and fro. Nowhere, except on foreign steamers, have we ever seen such eagerness to h ear th e Word of God. We are th ink ­ ing of one p articu lar steam er and re­ membering how the first gospel of John was given out in a foreign tongue and how one man, reading aloud the title.o f the Book to th e large crowd, announced th a t he had a Book about Christ. Then they came by the dozen, men and women, holding ou t th e ir hands in sil­ ence, while here and th ere one came, saying “ Please, give,” pointing to the coveted trea su re in th e w o rk er’s hands. How hard it was to make them und er­ stand th a t what was wanted was th a t they all should rep air to th e ir own qu arters and beds, so th a t all could be reached and no duplication occur. They retired and waited th e ir tu rn pa­ tien tly and were so th an k fu l to get the “Christo Books,” many fearing th a t the supply m ight become exhausted before th e ir tu rn came. Thanks to Him, all six hundred souls received the message — and only two Testam ents or Bibles were owned by two people in th e whole crowd. Outstretched hands and long­ ing h earts are to us th e token of g reater things to follow as He leads, we be­ lieve, many to Himself. On th e same ship was a group of Russian Jews, fleeing from persecution from Siberia to unknown lands to them. They were not overlooked. The Scrip­ tu res in th e ir language were given them

and gladly received, except in one instance. We rejoice to hear from tim e to time of new steam er lines being established out of San Francisco and th e opportun­ ity to preach His Word on new ground. P ray th a t it may be fru itfu l, prepared soil and th a t His blessing may not fail us, while preaching the Word in a needy field— th e H ighways of* the Sea. — Oscar Zimmerman, Supt. Shanghai, China. One morning th is week a t the b reak ­ fast table someone asked me if we ever saw any definite resu lts from the dis­ tribu tion of the Scriptures among the pilgrim s a t Nan THE INSTITUTE Yoh. I was able to IN CHINA give a most positive yes in reply, and yesterday I received repo rts of the Jun e work from two of our bands, and one of those reports has some very strik ing and encouraging answers to th is question. I will share them w ith you, th a t you may join w ith us in praise, and also in prayer th a t God may continue to honor and bless His own precious Word. On reaching th e village of Mien Bih Chiao our evangelists called a t the home of a man named Hwang Hsien- Siu. Mr. Hwang soon told them th a t two years before when on a pilgrim age to Nan Yoh he had received a copy of “ Selected Portions of the Holy Scrip­ tu res,” he had taken the book home and had studied it very carefully, and was convinced th a t th is was th e tru e Gospel, able to save men. He also said th a t he had made no fu rth e r pilgrim ­ ages to Nan Yoh. But he wanted to enquire as to ju st w hat was m eant by believing in Jesus. The evangelists sat th e re w ith him and his fam ily and quietly and lovingly opened up the Word to them . Then Mr. Hwang and his en tire fam ily kn elt in th a t humble Chinese home w ith our evangelists, con- T ract W ork in China.

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