King's Business - 1919-12



each service. B u t such was th e record during th e month of August in the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles w ith Dr. A. C. Gaebelein as the teacher of the Word. We have no purpose or desire to mag­ n if y 'a n y man, b u t we do take g reat pleasure in testifying to the power of th e Word of God, when m inistered in the simple, strong, m asterfu l way in which Dr. Gaebelein is used of th e Lord in teaching it. There were no musical attractions, no prom inent personages to preside,— th e draw ing power was th a t of th e Holy Spirit. Dr. Gaebelein has a large constitu- tency of Bible-loving people in South­ ern California, as well as th roughou t th is country and Canada, and many of his friends came long distances and from different States to enjoy the month of re st and recreation, sitting a t th e feet of th is man of God. We could covet for all believers the privilege given us in th is most blessed month of fellowship w ith th is man of God, and are looking forw ard to his re tu rn to us next summer. Evangelist Wm. P . Nicholson. As we go to press, Evangelist Wm. P. Nicholson is in the m idst of an evange- l'stic campaign in Santa B arb ara, where the King and Queen of Belgium are to be in a few days. We tru s t our B rother Nicholson will be able to give them a Gospel message, for they are gobd friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Nor­ ton, who have done such a wonderful work among the soldiers in Belgium. In November Mr. Nicholson will be in Los Angeles in The Church of the Redeemer, Rev. H. N. Bunce, pastor. We covet your prayers in behalf of th is man of God, who gives a Gospel message th a t never needs any explana­ tion. Everybody understands w hat he says, and knows w hat he means. B ible Study F ru itag e. T ruly God’s Word is a lifebearing seed and fru itag e is su re when it has fallen into th e soil of a receptive h eart. Fo r two successive seasons the seed was sown in a Class of BIBLE - Public School Teach- WOMEN . ers. God has gracious­ ly made manifest some of th e fru itage in the lives of five of the young women.

fessed th e ir sins, and asked Jesus to save them. In the same village th ere was another man also named Hwang, for frequently every fam ily in a village will have the same name. This man, Hwang Du-Ho, told our evangelists th a t several years ago when on a pilgrim age to Nan Yoh he had received a copy of th e New Tes­ tam ent, and on a la ter pilgrim age had received a copy of our little book “T rue Happiness a t H and.” He had taken these hooks home and had studied them bu t had never come to th e point of be­ ing w illing to yield his h e a rt to Christ. He now said th a t th e coming of our evangelists was most fo rtun ate for they had helped him to see th a t Jesus is both Saviour and Lord, and th a t He alone can save from sin. Mr. Hwang’s mother spoke up and said: “Sirs, we have never before heard th is teaching, and so when you give away books it is im po rtan t th a t you explain them to us So th a t we can und erstand and be­ lieve.” A fter fu rth e r conversation th is entire fam ily also kn elt w ith our evangelists and joined in earnest prayer to God for forgiveness, cleansing and salvation. You have seen the precious resu lts in four homes, and th en think, quietly and prayerfully, th a t from Ja n u ary 1st to Ju ly 15th of th is year, our evange­ lists have visited in over one hundred thousand homes (100,000). In each of these homes they have' hacl personal talk s w ith the people about Jesus, and in each home they have left as a free gift some portion of God’s Word. Are you praying fo r these eighty evangelists? They meet w ith curses often, they are out in storm as well as in sunshine. It is tru e th a t “There is set before them an open door, it is equally tru e th a t th ere are many ad ­ versaries.” Oh th a t our friends at home could fully realize how much the success of the preaching of these men depends upon the prayers of friends far away. T ruly yours in His service, P ra n k A. Keller. The Gaebelein Meetings. It is possible for a man who is a good Bible teacher or preacher to com­ mand a larg e hearing once a week; but it is an unusual thing for a man to hold tw enty-eight consecutive meetings in the summer months, and to have from six hundred to th ree thousand at

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